Need a heavyer loadThe middle of the axle is bowed up. Would do the opposite if I pulled it up more....
Plus the hubs aren't perfect and both have blown bearings at some with previous owner and one shortly after I got it.
Need a heavyer loadThe middle of the axle is bowed up. Would do the opposite if I pulled it up more....
Plus the hubs aren't perfect and both have blown bearings at some with previous owner and one shortly after I got it.
I don't do chords, that's the wife, she has an angelic voice, and plays the piano. When she gets together and sings with her mom(mom plays the piano then) and sister they sing three part harmony that sounds incredible. I can't sing very well, but I can tell if someone else is off key, it's just like tuning a saw, "could you take that note a little higher, yes lean it out i said".
I saw the spuds in the GMT, they looked great. I love cooking in foil on hot coals.
I was thinking the other day about how most older recipes used 325 or 350 degrees, I find it interesting because coals will stay at that temp for hrs, coincidence I think not. That was my wow moment this week as far as learning goes, well one of them
steve, when I get up there and if you have access to a welder I can put a trust on the axel to straighten it out and reenforce the bottom strength so it wont bend again and this will fix your tire alignment...The middle of the axle is bowed up. Would do the opposite if I pulled it up more....
Plus the hubs aren't perfect and both have blown bearings at some with previous owner and one shortly after I got it.
Well I can't turn that down!steve, when I get up there and if you have access to a welder I can put a trust on the axel to straighten it out and reenforce the bottom strength so it wont bend again and this will fix your tire alignment...
Not really as the most stress is between the spring perch and the hub not in the centre where the "lever" is longer. I have done this before. The most important measurement however is hub face to hub face which determines your wheel centers. So the best thing is to find an axle which matches the wheel centers and move the spring perches if necessary. They are easily cut off and re welded.Wouldn't that weaken it significantly? Between trailer and wood im loaded right to the max as it is.
Great pictures! Glad your toes survivedThere's gotta be wood in there somewhere worth dragging home .
My fancy I know knot what I'm doing is holding up very well
I got a couple of sticks out today , at least 4 more good ones in this pocket with one live but uprooted sawlog
I blocked up the bigger stem at the landing and tried out my newest splitter .
Not a tire in sight , but my toes are fine
I still split these on the ground , put the first scratch in the splitter so it's now good to go
First impressions on this one , I'm thinking that it's a keeper .
There's gotta be wood in there somewhere worth dragging home .
My fancy I know knot what I'm doing is holding up very well
I got a couple of sticks out today , at least 4 more good ones in this pocket with one live but uprooted sawlog
I blocked up the bigger stem at the landing and tried out my newest splitter .
Not a tire in sight , but my toes are fine
I still split these on the ground , put the first scratch in the splitter so it's now good to go
First impressions on this one , I'm thinking that it's a keeper .
I had to use more chains and cables today LOL
Since I've only got a small 21 hp tractor and 4ooo lbs of pull I can't bowl over a lot of stuff like bigger gear will do .
That little clump of maple will usually jamb me up pretty good and create a bunch of work to get unstuck so I try to work around stuff like that .
A little bit of work and the redirect saves a ton of time
You're always welcome to come up and give me a hand anytime
I was thinking of loading all the gear on my deck trailer and heading down south to Clint's place to help him with the Ash ,Oak and Beech that he brags about , I'm sure he'd share LOL
What happened to the skidding cone?I had to use more chains and cables today LOL
Nice flippin scrounge. I mean who can beat that tiny little Stihl srewdriver.....he,heThat's a nice scrounge Nazi.
Awesome as well seeing your son taking care of business.
By the way hope you are feeling better.
I was thinking of you and cantoo yesterday as I did some scrounging myself. I was also by another bay, not to far from you all.!3m1!1s0x8823e104be406d25:0x34d0a227f2ae3802
First up saw this in a pile of trash on the side of the road, my eagle eyes did not disappoint as this tire looked brand new driving by at 75mph.
Best guess is they got a new tire for their trailer had it balanced and mounted it on the trailer without enough torque on the nuts. So into the hatch it went.
Scrounge 1 down.View attachment 504730View attachment 504731
Then I picked up another ms460 and a few other goodies including the 36" bar and 3 0r 4 chains, an almost new 20" bar(for the 044) with another 4-5 chains nice scrench, torx wrench, home made saw box
, and even a small screwdriver to adjust the carb(priceless LOL).
Scrounge 2 done.View attachment 504732
Hr and a half down the road picked up this 359 that wasn't running right with a 20" bar and chain. Haven't been to far into it as the muffler bolts are broken off. Pulled the clutch and did a visual and all seems to be in order. The saw was bogging bad, the chain was over-tightened so I will loosen that when it goes back together as well as the low side of the carb was extremely rich so I set it at one turn out and will retune it from there. Very pleased with it even if I have to replace the P&C as I really enjoyed the last 359 I had, they run right with a 361 if they don't have the cat muffler as they are very plugged up. And it even has a Lowes sticker, it's been Lowerized.
Scrounge 3 done.View attachment 504733
I was going for another ms310, but I couldn't make it in time to look at it.
My little Honda averaged 58.6 on the first leg of the trip and 56 on the last part, gotta love that.
Sure looks nice up there.View attachment 505324Little better pic from this morning, can kinda see river in the center. Very thankful to live here.
Nice saw scrounge btw chipper!