I'm saying to pull the axle down. A little arch is fine on a small trailer, yours is way to much.The middle of the axle is bowed up. Would do the opposite if I pulled it up more....
Plus the hubs aren't perfect and both have blown bearings at some point....one with previous owner and one shortly after I got it.
How did it get that way.
Perfect just what I would do. A piece of 2" angle will do a great job of giving a straight edge to pull the axle to and to strengthen it.steve, when I get up there and if you have access to a welder I can put a trust on the axel to straighten it out and reenforce the bottom strength so it wont bend again and this will fix your tire alignment...
Got to love friends like that.Well I can't turn that down!
Here's your trophy chucker

Bingo.Not really as the most stress is between the spring perch and the hub not in the centre where the "lever" is longer. I have done this before. The most important measurement however is hub face to hub face which determines your wheel centers. So the best thing is to find an axle which matches the wheel centers and move the spring perches if necessary. They are easily cut off and re welded.
I was also going to say that the arch could be rotated to the front then the perches remounted at 90 degrees to where they are now giving a "toe-in" on the tires. Unfortunately the axle sounds as though it is extremely bent/arched.