Here's a scrounging tip , when you have 130' of winch cable , make sure you have something to get you a few more feet because the bigger one was at 138' LOL

I got a chance to go scrounging yesterday after the honeydo list was done
I shot down to the pile of blowdowns I've been working , came at it from another side .
I cut a trail to them
But , not worth dragging out , the pics look ok but just too soft
So I did some more scouting in that patch , found more good ones to come out but I'll polly wait for a hand .
So , instead of working those , I hopped on the trusty steed and headed down the road .
Did a little sight seeing
And found a few stems to cut
I ended up with 7 or 8 trees out of that swamp , sugar maple and 1 grey birch
I hauled them up to a landing that you can't see from the road
Scrounge on gentleman !!!
OK, For all of you dog lovers, here is an old video of my guy Thor (who has since passed) and Lucy, who we still have. IMO, it is hilarious to watch the bigger/faster 75 lb Thor try to get the stick from the 50 lb more nimble Lucy. Thor even "looks to me for help".
He was a great dog, and they played so well together. But they do team up against me when I try to take the stick! Enjoy!
Maybe try a metric length next time? Since a meter is a little longer than a yard, it might make a difference. . .. . . when you have 130' of winch cable , make sure you have something to get you a few more feet because the bigger one was at 138'
Here's a scrounging tip , when you have 130' of winch cable , make sure you have something to get you a few more feet because the bigger one was at 138' LOL
There is poison ivy in Canada.I am envious of your undergrowth/brush. Around here if the sun can hit the ground it will soon be covered with honey suckle, multi flora rose, and poison ivy. Often I spend more time with a machete than a chainsaw just to walk and see where I am cutting. On Memorial Day week-end I was at the cemetery with my brother placing flowers when a lady came and asked what that big vine was on the big pine tree. She said she had pulled some leaves and berries from it to get a closer look. I told her it was poison ivy and I had already decided I was going to come back and cut and treat it. She said she was from Canada and there wasn't any poison ivy there and she would rinse off with water? I think she was serious. I told her that will not do it. Luckily my brother had some Go Jo (mechanic type soap) in his truck so she scrubbed and rinsed her hands and arms with it. She said she might have touched her face and neck. I think she got somewhat of an education that day and I hope it was not a painful one. LOL
You need to have a GTG down there.Well boys sadly I have found out someone else is getting in on my shagbark hickory spot.... Ya know I am completely cool with someone else getting the wood, as I don't OWN it.... The thing that sucks, is they have a damn bobcat and a nice ass dump trailer to haul it with..... Now i am not trying to be a D*CK, it's just frustrating for a poor ol country boy like me be to cutting and hand loading this wood alone by hand, and some one else just loads it in with equipment!!!!
Well sorry for the rant guys........ I cut and hand loaded 4 good loads.......hell maybe one day I will have a dump trailer and bobcat to help me....
Oh and yes that's my ms461 in the pic...I absolutely love my 461, I used it and my ms362 today... The ms362 has surprised me with its power and torque.... I used the ms362 in 18" plus hickory and she never batted an eye!!!!
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I have two thoughts.Here's a scrounging tip , when you have 130' of winch cable , make sure you have something to get you a few more feet because the bigger one was at 138' LOL
OK, For all of you dog lovers, here is an old video of my guy Thor (who has since passed) and Lucy, who we still have. IMO, it is hilarious to watch the bigger/faster 75 lb Thor try to get the stick from the 50 lb more nimble Lucy. Thor even "looks to me for help".
He was a great dog, and they played so well together. But they do team up against me when I try to take the stick! Enjoy!
I didn't get to try this particular loop out, but it was on this little ms290 I just scrounged off CL. I sharpened up the old safety chain for the next next owner of this little cookie cutter. The RS loop will be for my 044. The saw came with everything in the pictures and another 3/4 gallon of bar oilHey 85, sorry to hear someone else is getting your wood! Did you give RS a try yet?
You need to have a GTG down there.
You can have everyone bring there trucks and load everything there in a day.
You'll need a pig on a spit and a keg of beer, but the boys would eat that wood and that hog right up.
Another option would be to see if you can float the guy a few buck to get some loads dropped at your house.
Tell him you will help him cut your load and you will have his ready when he gets back, win win.
It would probably end up saving you money in the end to do it that way and it would get done pretty quick.
You could get a load on the trailer and then one in your truck in an afternoon pretty easy.
I like that truck with a load on it, looks fat(in a good sort of way lol), like this.
You guys familiar with this beast, was a big hit for a while.