Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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MaineWoods, there is only ONE way to be, 100 percent honest. In my family there are a handfull of guys that initials spell M.A.N. when I was little it was explained to me to be a man, honesty is one of the traits. hey can you guess Mustang Mike's initials???? Mike Anthony N, Every dude that counts in our family has the same middle name.
Well Im not gonna lie, ive had a few to drink and I can't find the pic of my little helpers, maybe tomorrow. But Mustang Mikes ported saws made a good amount of this wood for me.

I've had more than a few, but the helpers are awesome. enjoy them as they will become teenagers. Good wood there too. You are doing something right. Keep it up. Honesty goes a long way, I've had teachers tell me my kids where in trouble only because they admitted it. So they where not in trouble with me. #1` rule is don't lie to me, #2 rule is don't lie. #3 rule is who care's it doesn't get followed.
I've had more than a few, but the helpers are awesome. enjoy them as they will become teenagers. Good wood there too. You are doing something right. Keep it up. Honesty goes a long way, I've had teachers tell me my kids where in trouble only because they admitted it. So they where not in trouble with me. #1` rule is don't lie to me, #2 rule is don't lie. #3 rule is who care's it doesn't get followed.

Matt and Dan, I agree that you're both on the right track with those young'uns. Our first rule was always don't lie to me. It didn't matter what they'd done, if they lied to me about it, THAT became the issue and the initial transgression became secondary. They learned very early that facing the music was FAR better than trying to get away with it. In fact, I remember occasions when each of our kids has come to us and told us things they've done, before we even knew about it, just to be sure all was straight. They got a lot of leeway as a result and have all turned out great and able to conduct themselves quite well! (End of brag-rant...)

Keep up the good work Fellas!
Matt, Great Pics, and I am happy to have been part of it. Nice stacking though, I can't claim credit for that!

In the early 80s when Heating Oil tripled in a day, I hauled wood home in the back of a 1980 Pinto Station Wagon.

One time I put some big rounds of Red Oak in the back and I thought the front end was going to come off the ground!

Just got a 5' X 8' trailer at TS to haul the ATV, but hauled a load of wood in it today, and it works real nice. Was able to roll the big rounds right up the 4' ramp, much nicer than what I used to do! They are on sale for $599 w/13" wheels, roll real nice, a good deal. Also picked up the bar oil while I was there for $7 / Gal, also a good deal. I think I'm started to get spoiled!
Just catching up on the thread here - why are there so many wood shortages for some of you guys? Is it all caused by demand due to fear we/you may be in for another hard winter or .... ?

Heading to the lake tomorrow for one last swim before Fall settles in - supposed to be 29 Celcius (88 F) tomorrow here. Cool at night now but this heat sure can't last for much longer. :cool: It seems September is the new June around these parts.
You guys take it easy on ole Dancan, last winter I was filling the trunk and back seat of my Geo Prizm, yes Prizm. With red oak and ash. What EVER it takes to keep the oil man of my Arse. This year with mustan mike and my two little helpers I hope for a different story. Ill post some pics if my mac and smart phone ever decide to play nice.

Good job Matt. One of the rules of scrounging is "small loads add up". And there's no reason that not having a pickup truck means you can't bring wood home.

Actually, I see a fair amount of people taking Uncle Mike's route with those small trailers behind all kinds of different vehicles.
Mtn, two reasons that I can think of:

1) We had a very cold winter last year that zapped available supply.

2) Often people don't purchase wood till the last minute, they want to use their yard space for other things until they need the wood. The supplies they presume are available are not there this year.
Just catching up on the thread here - why are there so many wood shortages for some of you guys? Is it all caused by demand due to fear we/you may be in for another hard winter or .... ?

Heading to the lake tomorrow for one last swim before Fall settles in - supposed to be 29 Celcius (88 F) tomorrow here. Cool at night now but this heat sure can't last for much longer. :cool: It seems September is the new June around these parts.

Wet spring and a lot of people hoarding and trying to get ahead of the weather guessers polar vortex.

I may be "challenged" in the woods scrounging but I don't let that handicap slow me down at home , I used my diesel powered wheelbarrow to move some wood around , I got a cord of the dead standing hardwood put away in a new to me shed and I moved a cord of the fresh cut stuff over to the racks for next years burning unless I have to dip into if we get another polar vortex LOL
I've got room in the shed for 2 1/2 to 3 cord so I've got more hardwood to move .
I've been getting a bunch of oak beams that a large manufacturing company discards when they get a load of heavy equipment in. Many of them are 6x6 or 6x8s and they are going to warm the house very nicely!

That's great! Back in college I worked in a wood moulding warehouse and would take all the end scrap pieces home since they just threw it out. Had over a cord of it. All kiln dried oak, pine, birch, etc. Best kindling ever. I think my dad still has some he's making birdhouses out of.

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