Hi all,
I've not posted in a while as I've not done any scrounging, I've been too busy with home renovations. Part of that has been going from this old gas fire which was decommissioned years ago
via some of this
and this
to finally get to this
still some work to do clearly, but I actually now have a way of burning and enjoying the wood I scrounge, cut, split and season!

Its 5Kw, I think that translates to about 17000 btu/hr....does that sound right? 5kw is just a small stove.
to stay on topic though, I did get scrounge another car load Tuesday, from the usual tree guy I collect from, just some sort of pine/fir but it'll burn fine once seasoned, and it won't be in the stove until next winter at the earliest.
Oh yes, i nearly forgot, the best bit about getting the stove in was my fiancee's response! I thought she was going to be indifferent, but she loved it! So much so she asked,
'Could we put one in the dinning room too? It eould look nice.'
So i said i'd keep looking on ebay for a bargain. I'd actually been looking for the past year but not seen any bargain stoves, but within days of my other half's blessing i won an auction for a Franco belge Belfort for just £68! WHat's that in dollars? a bit under $100 now the pound has crashed since we voted to leave the EU. The Belfort is a great stove, my parents have one, its about £650 new. It needs some parts, a new grate, new baffle, new inner top heat shield,new fire bricks, new rope seals and although not too bad I've also ordered some stove paint to respray it and get it back like new. Total cost including petrol to collect it £215. I don't seem to have a photo of the complete stove but here's one of some of the knackered bits....it had been run hard! 3 very tired bricks in several pieces, and the remains of the grate.
once refurbished it should look like this