Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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How do you like that 480? Looker like toy have a long bar on it. I just picket one up recently and it's in great shape.
the 480 is a runner. But it's heavy. It stalled on me Sunday like it was running out of fuel. Could only get it to run on full throttle for a second and it would die. But it fixed itself after a couple minutes of that. I'm hoping the ignition isn't taking a dump.
A family here got hit with botulism after eating meat from a wild boar recently. Three people in the family nearly died and all three are still suffering and the doctors can't tell them what the long term consequences will be. I don't think authorities have yet gotten to the bottom of how the pig was handled once killed.
Photobucket has most of my digital photos hostage.
Here are some more. I'm not going to post any more hunting stuff in this thread though. Sorry for going off topic. We seem to find rank hogs who

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I dont bust the brush like I use to, but I still like to hear the dogs run.
But if the $ was good would it not justify more gear that made things a little easier on the body? Would still get two days worth of workouts but spread evenly over the week. Stress/recover/stress/recover. But then would having all that gear suck the enjoyment out of it? Would it lose it's 'challenge'.

I think it would lose its fun. The fun is in working out a solution to how to most effectively work the log or drop the tree, swing the biggest saw you own (naturally) and finally load in the trailer while taking pics the whole way so you can post them on the interweb. Getting more equipment to make the whole process more efficient would make it more like work, and I go to work mainly to pay for stuff that I want to do away from work. Like cut wood. Or go fishing. Like I will on Thursday. And Friday. And for the following week or two.

That said, if people wanted to pay me $1000 for a trailer load of dead standing peppermint then I'd hand in my physio rego tomorrow :surprised3:. Providing I had somewhere to cut it, that is. Which I don't :(.
Getting more equipment to make the whole process more efficient would make it more like work, and I go to work mainly to pay for stuff that I want to do away from work.

Bingo. I don't shoot competitively, or fly RC competitively. I dont try to make a living from my recording studio and I don't want to make a living making woodchips. When you introduce money and politics into a hobby, it's not a hobby anymore. It's a job.
A family here got hit with botulism after eating meat from a wild boar recently. Three people in the family nearly died and all three are still suffering and the doctors can't tell them what the long term consequences will be. I don't think authorities have yet gotten to the bottom of how the pig was handled once killed.

All accounts of Shakyamuni Buddha's death agree he died because he ate tainted food. The most ancient of them say that food was wild boar and modern scholars seem to agree later accounts were modified after sramanas (monks) were forbidden to eat meat and fish.
So eat wild boar at your own peril. :laugh:

To get back on track I had hoped all the snow which fell on Sunday would have produced some good firewood scrounging opportunities. So far nothing, not even a branch. :angry:
I think it would lose its fun. The fun is in working out a solution to how to most effectively work the log or drop the tree, swing the biggest saw you own (naturally) and finally load in the trailer while taking pics the whole way so you can post them on the interweb. Getting more equipment to make the whole process more efficient would make it more like work, and I go to work mainly to pay for stuff that I want to do away from work. Like cut wood. Or go fishing. Like I will on Thursday. And Friday. And for the following week or two.

That said, if people wanted to pay me $1000 for a trailer load of dead standing peppermint then I'd hand in my physio rego tomorrow :surprised3:. Providing I had somewhere to cut it, that is. Which I don't :(.
Iv sold a little here and there lately mostly to family and friends but I work to slow to make a living at it. I'll be sending this rack of Ash down the road tomorrow to help the 7900 fund.IMG_20171212_073317.jpgIll replace it with part of the big oak pile I'm making.
Another thing to think about scrounging for profit. Look at all of the professional tree companies that give away their wood. It is too labor intensive. If it became valuable enough to survive off of, the tree companies would start keeping it. When Dad was in business he let me keep all of the Oak and sell it on the side. If I suggested setting up a fire wood operation, he would say for the same amount of money to buy a processor and truck, he could buy a chipper and truck and put on another tree crew. Why spend all that money to make a few hundred dollars a day, when the tree crews were making a few thousand a day. It's like saving my soda and beer cans for the scrap yard. We throw them in the recycle bin, when it's full I stomp on them and dump them in big plastic trash cans. When they are full I take them to the scrap yard. There is virtually no extra time or effort in saving them. But, I'm not going to start walking up and down the road picking them up because they are free. Scrounging firewood is kind of the same, free wood for personal use is one thing. If it gets so valuable you can live off it, the next thing you know, every body with a Wild Thing and mini van is going to be cutting down trees in peoples yards. Which may be illegal in your state. It is in MD, you have to be licensed and insured to do tree work in MD. The other thing, if it ever gets that valuable, you can guarantee that Uncle Sam will be at your door with the IRS, Joe.
The tree guys contracted to keep the utility wires clear came through today. It is cold, raining, and what they cut was mostly small vine entangled stuff. Glad I don't have to do that day in and day out.

Keeping it a hobby means I can do it when the weather suits me, and I prefer it like that.

Matt, good job there, you even found the right color on the 85 Turbo Coupe! I really liked that car. Averaged 26 MPG, and was faster than the V-8 Thunderbird of the day. Also, had the slickest stick shift (5 speed) of any factory car I ever owned, and the best cloth bucket seats. I put over 250,000 hard miles on it before it went to Matt. Replaced the turbo once, and it was covered with the extended warranty I got.
I think it would lose its fun. The fun is in working out a solution to how to most effectively work the log or drop the tree, swing the biggest saw you own (naturally) and finally load in the trailer while taking pics the whole way so you can post them on the interweb. Getting more equipment to make the whole process more efficient would make it more like work, and I go to work mainly to pay for stuff that I want to do away from work. Like cut wood. Or go fishing. Like I will on Thursday. And Friday. And for the following week or two.

That said, if people wanted to pay me $1000 for a trailer load of dead standing peppermint then I'd hand in my physio rego tomorrow :surprised3:. Providing I had somewhere to cut it, that is. Which I don't :(.
There certainly seems to me a very wide stretch of no mans land between small-time scrounging and profitable firewood enterprise. Land mines everywhere. Bodies and parts thereof, of many that tried to get across to no avail.
If it gets so valuable you can live off it, the next thing you know, every body with a RYOBI and mini van is going to be cutting down trees in peoples yards.


The other thing, if it ever gets that valuable, you can guarantee that Uncle Sam will be at your door with the IRS,

Yeah. Faster than the speed of light.

There was a media mogul in Australia called Kerry Packer, deceased about 12 years or so now. He was a tough nut and blunt as the back of an axe. Didn't suffer fools like politicians very well. One of his appearances before a print media enquiry from 1991 was a classic, he made his parliamentary interrogators look like clueless gimps. This clip goes for 6 minutes or so and some of it may not mean much to you all as it relates to Oz media laws of the day but from 3.45 there are a couple of great lines in there from Kerry, especially about tax and regulation, which instantly made every Australian feel like they could relate to the richest man in the country.

"You only get one Alan Bond in your lifetime, and I've had mine".

Had to laugh at that one. Talk about sell high, buy low. Bond bought a TV channel from Packer for over $1b. A few years later Packer bought it back for $250m.

Another good'n:
Having had a heart attack and been clinically dead for a few minutes but surviving:

“I’ve been to the other side and let me tell you, son, there’s ******* nothing there. There’s no one waiting there for you… there’s no one to judge you so you can do what you bloody well like.”
Uncle Mike, that car had by far best shifter of all my T5 transmission cars. Mike Scott and I used to put that shifter in what ever car we were going "hunting " with that Friday night along with my BFG radial T/As. Ahh to be a teenager again.

My pops was a more experienced driver than my pal and me. He once got three cars on a big block chevelle in that little turbo coupe, poor guy just about died when he found out it wasn't a built V8.

As for firewood for a living, I think it would turn into mechanics for me. When I was young and hot rodding cars it was fun. When I was fixing the girls in my high schools cars it was very fun. When it became my profession, the fun went away VERY fast. I definitely do not love my job now, but it sure does pay the bills easily.
I have enough equipment that I could do firewood full time but there just isn't enough money in it for me and my body. And like most guys have said it takes the fun out of it. I do sell wood but it's mainly to keep my wife off my back about the money I'm "investing" in heating our houses and shop. I could heat with electricity and be less money at the end of the year but then I would have to find another hobby and I already have enough of those. Jet skis, 4 wheeler, sleds, motorcycles, hunting and lots of stuff but I would rather do firewood, well right now anyway. I like building stuff so firewooding fills that need too. I have no idea how much wood we sold this year, maybe 20 cord or so my son does the deliveries I do the rest. Just enough to keep the wife thinking and enough to claim some expenses for our business. Year end taxes will tell the tale but buying the sawmill this year will mean a loss for the wood end of her business so that likely means another tax audit. Next year we should be making a few bucks selling lumber and will be able to pay more taxes allowing the government to continue to waste my tax dollars on slimeballs who don't want to work. God bless Merica and Canada. We slave so others don't have to.
Question posers :D

I normally just use knit gloves I get from work, and normally they are fine but now that its 15F with a windchill of ZERO, I need good cold weather gloves. Most of the places around here dont really have "namebrand" gloves, they're just a leather(ish) material with wool(ish) material on the inside, and they still want $30 a pair for them. Is there a good cold weather work glove that actually keeps your hands warm and isn't just a nylon shell with garbage insulation on the inside?

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