Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Looking good Kiwi. What happened to the gay flag in the wood? Did it come out in the sanding or does it depend on the light?
thanks. Pink streak absorbed more resin and went darker and the yellow areas were drowned out a little by the rest of the wood appearing yellower with the resin on. Still noticeable but like you note it depends on the light and viewing angle. Really interesting slab in that respect - the features reveal themselves then fade away as ya walk around it. In certain angles and light those darker angled streaks on the right side that look like sanding marks, really light up as the thick fiddleback figure they are.
Weathered out again. Fairly nice but breezy. Had to fix the fuel line on the splitter first, leaking at the shutoff. Found that the round spring type clamp was loose. To town for a flat spring type. Had to buy a full assortement of them to get one. By the time I had fought the hose and new clamp back in place, the area around the splitter was sloppy mud. Temp hi today prediced for 50.

Looks likemore of the same type weather for the next 3 days before the ground freezes up again. I did finish cord #8 yesterday and moved all elquipment over to work on cord #9 which is already half done. That will fill my 2o21 orders. Looks like at least 5 more still to split/pile.

Got dressed ukp, figufred to move the splitter across the wood lot to another empty 1 cord spot that was on sod. Didn't have to, the sloppy mud had solided up and footing was good for working. 2 hours in this morning. I may go back in a few for another hour which will just about finish the 9th cord. I need to get set up to post pictures! I was on photobeatch until they started charging.
Got dressed ukp, figufred to move the splitter across the wood lot to another empty 1 cord spot that was on sod. Didn't have to, the sloppy mud had solided up and footing was good for working. 2 hours in this morning. I may go back in a few for another hour which will just about finish the 9th cord. I need to get set up to post pictures! I was on photobeatch until they started charging.

Try Imgur its free and easy to use.

Winter project lol. I'm sure some of you hardcore scroungers could knock this out in a day.

Decided I was gona run the square chain and see how it held up. Same aggressive angles as before. This is right befor I walked out of the woods.

This hardcore scrounger can't anymore. I just do like you and cut until I've had enough then repeat until the jobs done, might take a month but I get it done.:D
It did not go above freezing today, so I dug some Black Cherry rounds from out of the back yard of one of my neighbors (I had cut them last year), brought them to my Daughter's, split them with the Fiskars (save 3 knotty ones), and had two helpers stack (my Grandsons). Figured I better do it before it gets warm and the wheelbarrow makes lines in the lawn!

Both boys then wanted to try the Fiskars … it will be a while before they are proficient, but I was glad they wanted to try it! I have a smaller one up at the cabin, and will give them straight grained Ash to split!

FYI, these are the first pics taken with my new cell phone, and I figured out how to transfer them all by myself (with a little help from the internet).


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More downed ash from my woods. This one was good right down to the last 2'. It was on the edge of the swamp and the roots rotted away until it fell not long ago so I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't punky further up. All trunk, no branches. I :heart: the ash.20191221_153820.jpg
Then went after a few more laying there like a big game of pick up sticks. The ones laying directly on the ground will take a while to season; the ones laying on top are ready to burn now.
While the ground is still near frozen I brought one load out from this pile that I cut last month . The rest may stay out there this week if it's in the 40's and starts to get muddy.
More downed ash from my woods. This one was good right down to the last 2'. It was on the edge of the swamp and the roots rotted away until it fell not long ago so I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't punky further up. All trunk, no branches. I :heart: the ash.View attachment 781911
Then went after a few more laying there like a big game of pick up sticks. The ones laying directly on the ground will take a while to season; the ones laying on top are ready to burn now.
View attachment 781912
While the ground is still near frozen I brought one load out from this pile that I cut last month . The rest may stay out there this week if it's in the 40's and starts to get muddy.
View attachment 781919
Ash looks-sounds like great wood! Good pictures.

Got my start on the elephant.View attachment 781917 Root ball off so it doesnt stand up unexpectedly some time while I'm cutting later.View attachment 781920 Shes a big girl. That's a 32 on the 7910 so probably 36" straight across.
Nice tree! And saw.