Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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It's western larch, the best firewood up here and great lumber as well. Needles turn yellow and drop in late fall.View attachment 1205321
Yea that's definitely not what I recently scrounged but the bark looked similar. There is some kind of conifer in northern Michigan that turns yellow but I think it's balsam for????? Not sure though
This may have some impact on a few of you regarding a zoning proposal put forth by the Carmel Town Council in Putnam County, NY.

The Carmel Town Council is considering a zoning master plan that includes heavy restrictions on fish and game clubs. The draft is not available online - you have to show up in person. Putnam Co. Fish & Game sent the following notice:

Public Hearing - Proposed Carmel Zoning Code Change Affecting Rod & Gun Clubs and ranges.
Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 7pm at Carmel Town Hall, 60McAlpin Avenue, Mahopac, NY.
Get there early! We need to pack town hall to prevent losing our ranges!
The Town of Carmel recently updated the draft zoning code. The proposed zoning code creates a category “rod and gun club” that would apply to PCFGA., Willow Wood, etc. Many of the rod and gun club restrictions are arbitrary, unreasonable and harmful.
Although the updated code says the rod and gun club provisions will apply to new clubs, it doesn’t explicitly exempt existing clubs. We want the Town Board to leave the current zoning alone or at least add the explicit exemption of existing clubs.


  • Proposed Carmel zoing plan.pdf
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This may have some impact on a few of you regarding a zoning proposal put forth by the Carmel Town Council in Putnam County, NY.

The Carmel Town Council is considering a zoning master plan that includes heavy restrictions on fish and game clubs. The draft is not available online - you have to show up in person. Putnam Co. Fish & Game sent the following notice:

Public Hearing - Proposed Carmel Zoning Code Change Affecting Rod & Gun Clubs and ranges.
Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 7pm at Carmel Town Hall, 60McAlpin Avenue, Mahopac, NY.
Get there early! We need to pack town hall to prevent losing our ranges!
The Town of Carmel recently updated the draft zoning code. The proposed zoning code creates a category “rod and gun club” that would apply to PCFGA., Willow Wood, etc. Many of the rod and gun club restrictions are arbitrary, unreasonable and harmful.
Although the updated code says the rod and gun club provisions will apply to new clubs, it doesn’t explicitly exempt existing clubs. We want the Town Board to leave the current zoning alone or at least add the explicit exemption of existing clubs.

It all comes from CAVE (citizens against virtually everything) and NIMBY (it ok but not in MY backyard) idiots.

I am very involved in nonprofit work and you should see the people we battle against (sometimes internally) to make progress.
Well 10 days off of coffee . Feel actually much better I was diagnosed with ulcers of the duodenum taking omeprazole go back for a second scope in October .

Didn’t have to change much else in my diet not a sweet eater or soda guy coffe was the only thing on the list of no-no’s

It all comes from CAVE (citizens against virtually everything) and NIMBY (it ok but not in MY backyard) idiots.

I am very involved in nonprofit work and you should see the people we battle against (sometimes internally) to make progress.
I figured out recently that I’ve been involved in public policy for 50 years… primarily firearms, hunting and non-motorized transportation. I’ve done this as a researcher, advocate lobbyist, and political advisor. In recent years things have become stupid… I had to walk through the “Faso Friday” protesters regularly to meet with state senate and congressional representatives and staff. It was a circus complete with brass band. I chaired city advisory councils and some of the screamers made their way in through deception. It was exhausting keeping them in check. I retired/resigned from all but one role (senior trustee) to take care of my parents. I had planned to go back in the future but recently decided to stay retired… I picked good people (younger!!) to replace me…
Well 10 days off of coffee . Feel actually much better I was diagnosed with ulcers of the duodenum taking omeprazole go back for a second scope in October .

Didn’t have to change much else in my diet not a sweet eater or soda guy coffe was the only thing on the list of no-no’s
It is amazing what diet changes can do for you… old habits are hard to break!
I figured out recently that I’ve been involved in public policy for 50 years… primarily firearms, hunting and non-motorized transportation. I’ve done this as a researcher, advocate lobbyist, and political advisor. In recent years things have become stupid… I had to walk through the “Faso Friday” protesters regularly to meet with state senate and congressional representatives and staff. It was a circus complete with brass band. I chaired city advisory councils and some of the screamers made their way in through deception. It was exhausting keeping them in check. I retired/resigned from all but one role (senior trustee) to take care of my parents. I had planned to go back in the future but recently decided to stay retired… I picked good people (younger!!) to replace me…
Yes sir.

And the woke crew would rather argue about things like bathrooms than actually help real global needs like hunger, health, and environmental disasters
This may have some impact on a few of you regarding a zoning proposal put forth by the Carmel Town Council in Putnam County, NY.

The Carmel Town Council is considering a zoning master plan that includes heavy restrictions on fish and game clubs. The draft is not available online - you have to show up in person. Putnam Co. Fish & Game sent the following notice:

Public Hearing - Proposed Carmel Zoning Code Change Affecting Rod & Gun Clubs and ranges.
Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 7pm at Carmel Town Hall, 60McAlpin Avenue, Mahopac, NY.
Get there early! We need to pack town hall to prevent losing our ranges!
The Town of Carmel recently updated the draft zoning code. The proposed zoning code creates a category “rod and gun club” that would apply to PCFGA., Willow Wood, etc. Many of the rod and gun club restrictions are arbitrary, unreasonable and harmful.
Although the updated code says the rod and gun club provisions will apply to new clubs, it doesn’t explicitly exempt existing clubs. We want the Town Board to leave the current zoning alone or at least add the explicit exemption of existing clubs.
I truly hope you get enough support to scrap that bs legislation!
IH Travelall, late 60's early 70's. I had a 71 for a few months, but it needed more help than I could give. I was surprised, though, as it was a 4x4 and had power steering and power brakes which was not a common setup on 4x4 rigs at the time.
View attachment 1204945
I worked for an IH dealership from 1973 to 1977. Tough vehicles but rusted out easily, especially the Scouts.
This will be a bittersweet post. My dog Ellie who is 13 years 9 months is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. The last month has been a pretty rapid decline and the medication isn't working and she's starting to struggle. She's losing control of her bodily functions. I thought she was going to pass last night with how hard she was struggling. I decided I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow. It's hard watching a dog who used to be so tough and determined lose her strength.

She's my first dog and we've spent lots of time in the field together. We've hunted in 8 states together and had lots of great times. My only wish is that I would've hunted more with her the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite pics.
Her first pheasant...
View attachment 1204966Her first South Dakota limit...
View attachment 1204963
Her last grouse...View attachment 1204965Her last South Dakota pheasant...
View attachment 1204964The boys with her this morning...View attachment 1204967
Lots of tears being shed today for the old girl.
So sorry to hear about your dog. Two years ago we put our Sporter Chocolate Lab down. I still miss that sweetheart dog.