The day Andy and I were supposed to go to the gun stores and one pawn shop, he said we could walk to, the girls got in the car and we headed down the road. I said are we going to the pawn shop. No, we're going shopping. Maybe it's a good thing I missed gun shopping that day. The day before yesterday I called a local shop and asked if he had a Leupold one piece scope base for a 99? He said no, but I have a 99 in 284 Winchester I want out of the shop, it's been on the rack for months. He said they had $950 on it, but if I came and got it that day I could have it for $750. I now have one of the rarest 99's made, a 284C.My brother in-law lives in Marion. There is a pawn shop there that had a Teddy Roosevelt commemorative model 94
I begged my wife, she said not this trip
I know you are really a 99 guy. Didn’t see any of them locally last time I was visiting down there