Thanks Steve,Sorry to hear. Just keep keeping on and better days are ahead.
Thanks Steve,Sorry to hear. Just keep keeping on and better days are ahead.
That one with the spike up close is a work of art! Thanks for sending.
I don't miss that at all. Low here on the gulf coast is 38 tonight. Near freezing again on Thursday, with high of 45. Never had the luxury of a snowblower on a tractor. Highs most days in the 50s or 60s. Got my dose of snow Jan 21 during the week we went for a beach vacation in Pensacola. 12 hours of blowin and snowin. 8" of dry snow. Record snow all along the coast. record cold that week too. None of us had to be anywhere so just stayed close, and nobody minded.The trails camera I have on my driveway caught me having fun on the NH 2120.View attachment 1242882
Sorry for your loss. It is never easy.Yup, fired it up yesterday, old faithful don’t build them like that anymore, purrs like a kitten all day , No dam computer circuit boards failing on this , View attachment 1242963
The something else is probably that your generator doesn't have enough "surge amps" to start the saw.I've got a 220V radial arm saw. Works on house power, but not on the generator. The generator 110V runs the hand held grinder great. Both legs are 116V. I found testing videos on YouTube, to identify which component is faulty. Haven’t started testing yet. Also found one showing what screw to turn to increase the output. It’s a Troybuilt 7800. The guy I got the saw from ran it on an 8000, to show me that it worked. I think worse case scenario, the alternator isn’t putting out quite enough power. Might be something else too.
The something else is probably that your generator doesn't have enough "surge amps" to start the saw.
Hey, anyone hear from Cowboy??? Hope one of them dangerous drop bears didn't get him!
Thanks , it’s an old twin cylinder Kohler , lost power just a short bit, but temperature in the low teens all week and the trees are just covered in ice and brittle as hell ,Sorry for your loss. It is never easy.
Is that an Onan engine? I have a briggs powered oldie from a pullman car. Nice 1800 rpm one.
brushes, automatic voltage regulator, or capacitors. Should have either one or the other, not both an avr and caps. They may call the avr a control board, micro controller etc. Not much else regulating voltage output on small brushed generators when they are running at the rated 3600 rpm.I've got a 220V radial arm saw. Works on house power, but not on the generator. The generator 110V runs the hand held grinder great. Both legs are 116V. I found testing videos on YouTube, to identify which component is faulty. Haven’t started testing yet. Also found one showing what screw to turn to increase the output. It’s a Troybuilt 7800. The guy I got the saw from ran it on an 8000, to show me that it worked. I think worse case scenario, the alternator isn’t putting out quite enough power. Might be something else too.
BUT, you aren't being clear, is that running watts or surge watts?? Some gen sets will surge MUCH higher than others.But an 8000 does it flawlessly?