Can't remrmber if I told you guys, but I broke down and bought a new cylinder for the splitter. The leak, became worse and worse the more I split Sunday afternoon. Which I guess I knew would happen, but hopped it would hold out till summer.
Got a ruggedmade 5"x24" stroke 3.5" rod. $580.00. Bit more then I wanted to spend, but I'll use this cylinder on the new splitter. Curious how much the larger rod will speed up cycle time. Not that I need it any faster. It's fast enough that I can work at a comfortable pace by myself, only becomes an "issue" if I have help. Which is seldom.
Should have it tomorrow. I think the only thing I'll need to do to adapt it is get a larger pace of tubing to weld on the push plate. Everything else should swap over/bolt up.