sell me your old rigging gear

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I want to apologize for being harsh and judgemental in my first post in this thread.

I've got a couple things that I bought used, all light duty stuff, and never used in life support or shock loading.

I also picked up a 200' hank of 1/2" 3 strand one time for cheap one time, gave it a couple pull tests on small/meduim trees then tried to pull over a back leaning fair sized locust lead. It ended up right in the intended lay, but one strand of the rope was completely severed in the pull. I'd inspected every inch of the rope before I ever used it, and all looked good. Still scares me to think about the woulda-couldas. Saving a bit on that rope could have easily turned out very expensive.

I know that new gear isn't cheap. Believe me I understand making do with less than what you need, and finding a way to still safely succeed. Sometimes you can find good stuff cheap, that was well taken care of. But you never can be sure, and there are enough things to worry about doing treework to worry about the links in your rigging chain and their unknown history.

Work Safe.

Here endeth the lesson.
To the OP let me be straight up with you. I want every hard ass in the world to join this industry and give it their best. Just like the services the work will sort out those who make it and those who don't. Along the way, it is my fervent hope that nobody gets injured or killed.

I wish you the very best in your new venture.

Buy new. One piece at a time.

ok I know a few of you guys have block,slings,woopies,and porta wraps laying around collecting dust. let me give you a few buck for them. I am in need of the following

porta wrap

and so on. I know this might not be the right htread but i couldent post in the want to buy section. thanks

I think you would better off buying from Ebay then from here if your looking for used equipment. Even if i was going to stop climbing (3-4times per yr) I still would not sell it to someone just because if something failed or broke.. i would feel responsible for what happened. Hell I didnt even sell my saw to a old co-worker just because he only ran a saw "a few times along time ago". It takes a lifetime to earn a good reputation and only 30 seconds to loose it.
Like I said i appreciate everyones concern in this matter. I dont know what to say I am not going to say that I have learned my lesson in asking this question because I still dont feel as if I did anything wrong. Now maybe my wording in my op was a bit off and blunt but with both my career and my recreational habbits I know full well the imporance of good gear as I often put my life on it.

I am not saying that people on this site are over protective because I dont feel there is such a thing but again in my deffence I do very little treet work that required lowering stuff to the ground and when I do the braches and pieces are normaly no more then 50-100lbs this coupled with the fact that the trees I work in are seldom more then 65 feet and are normaly in remote location I would feel perfectly confident a good second hand sling block or porty. I would inspect it before use and if it was a job that required me to lower a 500lb log over a house damn right I would use new gear and cut no corners as I have seen first hand houw quickly things can go south.

Had I posted looking for used climbing rope or bieners or even a harness I would fully excpect everyone to be killing me with comments. As I said I was looking for rigging gear for light tree removal as most of my jobs are for friends and co-workers. Aside from being in the military and trusting my life and the life of my team mates to my gear I am also an avid rock climber and fully certified cave diver( one of the most dangerious hobbies) I know full well the importance of good gear. As these are hobbies where you truly put your life in your hands and you gear.

in closing I am not mad at anyone on this site for meerley being concerned and if i come off a bit deffensive i appologize but what i am trying avoid is the appearence of a rookie looking to cut all the corners all while laughing at my pawn shop /e-bay specials and one handing a saw haning from a linemans belt on three ply hemp rope. again thank you everyone for your input and all stay safe.
Better check again. Last I knew he still had some stuff. I bought some slings from him for yanking cars from ditches. Good enough and cheap enough for me.

God Bless

all he had left was the micro pully I was hoping for the porty and block slings I will get new or make them out of climbing rope. thanks anyway though
As you were uncoiling your rope you had to run it through your hands from one end to the other and recoil it on the ground and then climb. .

Good idea. The Fire Dept. teaches this in it's ropes course. Also if a ****** or 8 is dropped it's supposed to be put out of service. How many people would do that? Ahhh it'll be awright.

Was the gear your dad grabbed one of your employees that used this stuff everyday?

Could have also been from pulling the trunk over using the climbing line, bad habit I still catch my guys doing sometimes.