Looks great!. It is funny how we all use a bit of different terminology. David made mentioned of "knocking one down". Here that term has zero to do with a saw. It means you knock it down with the crawler or EX and pile it up.Never knocked one down, but I've tipped a few over In Alaska once or twice.
Me at 19 year old.
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Me at 46 STIHL doing it.
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Up here we call them Kings because in Alaska. They are the are the Kings of all salmon.
I've caught a few myself.
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Now your saying I'm not a conservative!!! What exactly is it? That makes you think you know me???
Keep your political BS out of this thread! Take it to P&R and take your weak a** sauce with it!
Now, before you go any further.
You sure you wanna to ride this train?
As for Salmon we theoretically have them in Illinois but not really as they are in Lake Michigan.