Side work

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Nick, I really think you are getting a little hysterical, I don't think outrageous really fits what I have said. Never claimed to be perfect here ever once, Treeco is constantly criticising and is also proud to be a rat, therefore I feel it is incumbent on him to justify his actions after pulling the goody goody two shoes BS. Now, take some deep breaths, take a couple of Midol, settle down and explain to me why you are so upset.
your people are that bad without your gear?

Do you honestly think it's impossible for you (or anyone) to have an accident on a side job? No matter whos gear it is? Are you just so much smarter and better than the rest of the industry?

Listen, our company doesn't forbid employees from doing side jobs. We don't have to. An employment relationship is based on trust and we take our responsibility very seriously. We pay them well, give bonuses and $$ for referrals, and they are glad to have their weekends for their families.
And if they did decide to go do side jobs, as long as they don't use our gear, I don't care. It's not like it's going to cost us any business. There are tons of full-time, "off the books" no insurance tree guys knocking on doors around here...everyday.
Lets set somthing stright here, I dont go around and say well Mrs.Johnson your tree will be $400 dollars removed or $300 removed if you pay me cash. But I will be god damned if I work my a$$ of 6 days a week to NOT take a couple hundred dollars in cash so I can take my girlfriend to dinner or go buy somthing that I want. That my friends is true BS and ignorence. The govt &%#@'$ us every day, I dont think uncle sam is going to miss a couple hundred dollars out of the tens of hundreds of thousands that I am taxed on every year. As far as not answering your question maybe you should re-read after you take your midol. Why would I be agreeing to taking a few cash jobs if I didnt myself??
Lumberjacked said:
Lets set somthing stright here, I dont go around and say well Mrs.Johnson your tree will be $400 dollars removed or $300 removed if you pay me cash. But I will be god damned if I work my a$$ of 6 days a week to NOT take a couple hundred dollars in cash so I can take my girlfriend to dinner or go buy somthing that I want. That my friends is true BS and ignorence. The govt &%#@'$ us every day, I dont think uncle sam is going to miss a couple hundred dollars out of the tens of hundreds of thousands that I am taxed on every year. As far as not answering your question maybe you should re-read after you take your midol. Why would I be agreeing to taking a few cash jobs if I didnt myself??
I do not care if people stuff thier jeans full of undeclared cash, never have, go ahead and do it all you can, I do. My point is that Treeco, who has talked now at length about side jobs done by "hacks" being so wrong for many reasons one of which is, according to him because it is for cash, undeclared. So let him, the dogooder, upright man that he portrays himself to be tell us he doesn't do what "hacks" do, that is take cash, and not declare it. He is a hypocrite. That is my point, get it? Nick, have you calmed down yet?
I'm feeling fine, sipping away on a caffeine-free soda right now. Never have had a menstrual cycle, so I skipped your Midol prescription.

Here's how I see it: You're maligning a good person. Dan - TreeCo - is calling out people who are stealing equipment from their employers. He has an opinion about side work, but he's not moved to action over it, just over theft.

You're holding his feet to the fire over a matter of tangential relation. The tax code aside, the relation is whether he - as an official business concern - is operating in a manner similar to those he is opposing - the unofficial side jobbers. He has insurance, the proper business documentation, collects sales tax, pays withholding, whatever. If 1% of the business is carried out in cash - say dumping some chips or firewood for a neighbor instead of driving back - there is a huge difference, a seriously huge difference than a company that is carrying on 1(add a couple zeros)00% in cash!

We're talking 99% here. Perhaps 100% since he still hasn't answered and doesn't have to. I think his silence more accurately portrays a desire to invalidate your question than to settle a score that you've imagined to exist. Let's leave each other alone and focus on other things. Instead of tearing each other down, let's be constructive.

Side work for friends and family is not side work. It's taking care of people. Running a business like a yahoo and not paying taxes is another story. Instead of picking over some cash, how about pick a fight with a "company" that doesn't pay withholding.
Nick, hi, glad you are ok, now look here, Treeco has taken an interest, he has taken pictures of and ratted out Asplundh guys using company equip. on the side, he has taken pictures and turned in people for doing treework without permits. He has called people names, he has told me he is trying to have me banned. His silence does not invalidate my question, I figure he doesn't want to answer it because he doesn't want to lie or tell the truth. I will say it again, for about the 10th time, I couldn't give a flying fig if people stuff cash into thier jeans. My point here is analogeous to a preacher like Jimmy Swaggart telling people how to live a good clean life while at the same time banging hookers on the side. All I am saying is that one should maintain a consistent life philosophy, do you have a problem with that?
No problem at all.

As a business owner, I know it comes out a wash. In the past six months, I've gotten $105 in cash. On the flip side, I've spent nearly $1000 of after-tax personal dollars for company expenses for a variety of reasons, mostly because I don't want to burden the company. Sum of this: the IRS is winning even though I've gotten paid cash. Again, what the CRAP are you making such a big deal about this? Wow.


Personal aside, Mrs. ArboristSite deleted a post of mine a looong time ago when I posted an actual picture of a dead horse getting beaten. Now it's a smiley. Oh well...

Of course you don't think his non-answer invalidates your question, that's your view. Not everyone shares your view. To add to that, my view of your view on cash. You should pay taxes on that money because a) it's the law, b) you'll then shoulder your share of the tax burden, and c) it'll put you in a credible position to be pointing other people's flaws.
Guys like clearance are everywhere. Every utility crew in every county and province. Every bar. Many residential crews. Ridiculing real arborists.Tearing them down somehow. For every hundred clearances there is one TreeCo, one Nickrosis, one Mike Maas, one Treeseer, one Tom Dunlap, one Rebelman... For every one hundred clearances there is a real arborist. It's obvious nobody will out post you clearance, but we don't have to dignify each of your silly challenges with a response.
rebelman said:
Guys like clearance are everywhere. Every utility crew in every county and province. Every bar. Many residential crews. Ridiculing real arborists.Tearing them down somehow. For every hundred clearances there is one TreeCo, one Nickrosis, one Mike Maas, one Treeseer, one Tom Dunlap, one Rebelman... For every one hundred clearances there is a real arborist. It's obvious nobody will out post you clearance, but we don't have to dignify each of your silly challenges with a response.
Like Tom Dunlap, when the going gets tough and you cannot continue the talk with facts, sticking to the topic at hand, you go off on another rant, this time attacking me and other decent hardworking guys. I got news for you buddy, you are not the tree god, you don't have all the answers, the sun doesn't shine out of your ass. You remind me a lot of a politician, never answering anything directly, attacking the opponent, in other words, a cull.
rebelman said:
Guys like clearance are everywhere. Every utility crew in every county and province. Every bar. Many residential crews. Ridiculing real arborists.Tearing them down somehow. For every hundred clearances there is one TreeCo, one Nickrosis, one Mike Maas, one Treeseer, one Tom Dunlap, one Rebelman... For every one hundred clearances there is a real arborist. It's obvious nobody will out post you clearance, but we don't have to dignify each of your silly challenges with a response.


jmack said:
...when they were at work the line clearance dudes took the trees down and sold the wood to next door neighbor! nice!
That sounds like grist for a lawsuit. If the victims want an appraisal pm me. Sidejobbers doing substandard illegal work can and should get their just rewards. Putting wear and tear on your boss's stuff is stealing from your boss.

What goes around comes around.

Clarence, your analogy between ripoff sidejobbing and bookkeeping issues is a looonnng strrrrretch. Rip!

treeseer said:
That sounds like grist for a lawsuit. If the victims want an appraisal pm me. Sidejobbers doing substandard illegal work can and should get their just rewards. Putting wear and tear on your boss's stuff is stealing from your boss.

What goes around comes around.

Clarence, your analogy between ripoff sidejobbing and bookkeeping issues is a looonnng strrrrretch. Rip!

Really? Seems to me when people come off like thier sh8t doesn't stink then they are asking for all their practices to be questioned. Not that I would ever turn someone in, cause unlike some here I am not a rat. Just saying it, like the others, you to can give it but you can't take it.
rebelman said:
Guys like clearance are everywhere. Every utility crew in every county and province. Every bar. Many residential crews.

So, get over it ladies. Nothin' you can do 'cept ????? and moan like TreeLo and the gang.
I WISH I could spot that b#@&* taking pics of me and my guys doin and buzz...furthermore, my company would laugh at you for the call in.
PinkRidgeMarge: Get off the nuts already!
BlueRidgeMark said:
You sound like a liberal, userdude.
Mark, what are you doing here? You are not a treeguy, not worthy to speak to the topic, go away.
I don't know why I read this entire thread from start to finish.

Clearance, your outbursts sicken me.:dizzy:

Keeping employees happy is important. I pass off small side jobs to my guys. I've even told them to take my equipment on a rare occation as long as it's a low risk job. Side work doesn't bother me, however if/when I catch them going behind my back to obtain side work at my expense there will be problems. I make it clear to the customer and my employee(s) that I am no longer involved and that there is no insurace covering anyone.

Side work doesn't bother me too much, but Clearance you're out of control dude. If I was a moderator I'd can your A@@.

mikecross23 said:
I don't know why I read this entire thread from start to finish.

Clearance, your outbursts sicken me.:dizzy:

Keeping employees happy is important. I pass off small side jobs to my guys. I've even told them to take my equipment on a rare occation as long as it's a low risk job. Side work doesn't bother me, however if/when I catch them going behind my back to obtain side work at my expense there will be problems. I make it clear to the customer and my employee(s) that I am no longer involved and that there is no insurace covering anyone.

Side work doesn't bother me too much, but Clearance you're out of control dude. If I was a moderator I'd can your A@@.

Thats real American Mike, censor unpopular speech, constitution lover you are not. What have I said that bothers your sensitive mind so much? Maybe rattled your feathers a little? suck it up.