Is it me or are the links not working to the movies anymore?![]()
And like the original post, I'm still interested. The workmanship looks great, superior design from the
original and looks like a great upgrade! 12 hours was long, think it would take that long again now that
you know how to make it?
Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to make a part like that on a good machine. Sounds like most of his time was spent mitigating the lack of rigidity in the drill press he was using as a mill.
Good machinery makes all the difference in the world. I'm not familiar with Cent1 controls. I've had experience mostly with Fanuc, but also with Makino, Okuma(hated it), Milltronics, Cincinatti(hated it), Prototrack(meh), HAAS, and a couple of others. I absolutely despise Hurco controllers...whoever designed the layout of functions must have sat around for hours trying to decide how to make them the least intuitive controller on the market. If there is anything worse, God please help the poor schmuck that has to run it.
Ah. The one I ran didn't have any sort of designation on it. The machine itself was a Milltronics partner. Good machine, but you needed two people to run it. The X/Y handles were down at knee level on me(5'6" tall), so you needed a midget to operate them while someone 6'6" or better was needed to change tools(no TC on it). Had a pneumatic drawbar and tools would occasionally come loose in the cut.![]()
It was a bed mill. IIRC, it had about 4' of x travel and about 30" or so in y. I have run the knee mill style NC with an older black box(don't remember the designation) Prototrack control, as well as the newer Prototrack bedmills. I'm not especially fond of the knee mill types, but they do have a place.