They were hanging out to almost 2000' clear cutting roughly a 5 acre block a day on the line. Then yarding they were tethering a tigercat bogie skidder then the other company is tethering a 527 and another is dropping gps marks for a radio grapple. A forwarder is a machine typically used for short wood but some have added rear extensions for handling 36' or 40' logs another guy is trying a clambunk forwarder that's tethered off the front instead of the back.
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OK that clears a lot up. Thanks
from the examples.
Some of the video's I looked at I just didn't see the speed for two pieces of equipment. I realize they are still getting used to it. One of the advantages I thought at first it had over a Hand Faller was the ability to pile into a skid of sort.
That definitely is not the way to do it at all though. You definitely don't want to slow down 'front end' Not to mention it would be a poor saftey practice... if, you know.. "down came baby, cradle and all".
"5 Acres"
"hanging out to almost 2000ft "
There is lots of variables involved.
Any more specs, facts, particulars for a numbers guy please?
I'm assuming there isn't rock faces, huge cedar stumps, multi slope faces & creeks everywhere.
How about Species, Diversity, Diameter, spacing,planted/consistant,
voids, average run angle, reach, passes, hours, working from both sides down then one side up? Or would that cost more time opening up all the time when you don't have too? Probably eh? The other side to that is in the case of ROB base, you wouldn't have to move until you came back up in cases where it may be more crucial. Is it worth using your max reach? I'm assuming it would eat to much time up?
I think that's
I know, saw hands have a lot of questions. I guess some of those answers would be a "sometimes thing" You got to know when and when not too.
I suppose steeper narrow fingers at the sides of the block and area's of the bottom that may not line up will have to be hand felled. They should positively have all that engineered before hand will strict consequences
If any tracks trespass. I totally agree with what Northman is getting at. If there is a will there is a way. If there is a small piece at the side with no ROB base or its a big hassle for what it's worth and someone thinks it's going to save them big time and money if they can crib a low side and there home free into the flat corner. I'm sure that won't change the evolvement but it's a rule that needs to come in sooner rather than later because it will come in after a senseless fatality or two. that I'm sure we can all agree on.