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1989: Called to new lot, took down 3 construction-damaged trees. Saw nick on red oak; sold "root-feeding." :blush: to reverse const damage.

2004: Got call to consult on red oak's condition; bark had died from nick point to half of circ., weak callus, judged terminal. Sold removal and fall replanting (not another red oak).

Whacked it today, rot had not moved in too far but codit weak so it was the right call. It was king of neat to get back to a yard after 15 yrs; amazed the guy remembered me.

imo the root-feeding (now called soil rebuilding) bought that tree many useful years of life; client agreed, he's on the referral list.:)
Love it when that happens. Aerating with puncher tines and a soil stimulant brought laughter from the conventional boys ten years ago but those trees are lookin' pretty good.

No trees today - drove to airport in the big city, wife's going to a sundance for a friend. Got to a dream-outdoor store, priced the carabiners and other Petzl goodies. Must be the yuppies or something, too overpriced.
I have noticed you asking "what about other options?" when you see others on this forum show or write about removals... Often asking why they were so quick to remove a tree...

So 15 years isn't much in the life span of a red oak... Might seem like a lot to you as you pat yourself on the back for SELLING both the remedial and the removal. Kinda reminds me of all those tree co.s SELLING fertilization, until the soil gets so out of balance, the tree begins to show signs of stress and then the profit centerred companies SELL cambistat to save the stressed trees...

My BS detector is also going off at the term "reversing contruction damage"... You can't put the bark back on that tree... tree=humpty dumpty.... Won't go back together again...

I noticed you put quotes around root feeding... another flashy lingo term to sell to the unknowing customer.... What exactly did you do to feed the roots or rebuild the soil or whatever you want to call it? And what makes you think that remedy bought the tree years? Are you basing that on science, or just telling yourself (and us) stories?

And given that there wasn't much decay, why was removal the right call... other than the fact that it put a few dollars in your pocket? Maybe the right call would have been to someone with a resistograph... Was the tree threatening anything particularly valuable?

Aslo using the term "whacked it today" rubs me very wrong... Where is the respect for the life of that being? We should be crying for that one...
hoo boy

Originally posted by murphy4trees
So 15 years isn't much in the life span of a red oak...
But it's a long time for the homeowner.

"reversing contruction damage"...
refers to undoing compaction of soil.

I noticed you put quotes around root feeding... What exactly did you do to feed the roots or rebuild the soil
Maybe you missed the :blush: blushing smiley too, for using a nonscientific term, 15 yrs ago. Adding back organic matter, microbes and oxygen lost to construction reboilds the soil--as senor oakwilt notes, it often works.
Are you basing that on science,
Science-based treatments yielding anecdotal success. Not ready for JoA yet; waiting on a grant or two. :rolleyes:
And given that there wasn't much decay, why was removal the right call...
"half of circ., weak callus," as noted earlier, could have mentioned the lean toward neighbor's house; bark death was in plane of lean, also crowded an ash and a post oak both good cond.

Aslo using the term "whacked it today" rubs me very wrong... Where is the respect for the life of that being? We should be crying for that one...
OK then, I put it to sleep. No :cry: though, replacements will be planted. If the bark is dead halfway around and leans toward a house, no need for resistograph, time to say goodbye. I may be a radical preservationist, but the time comes for all organisms to have their parts recycled. This one wasn't rushed, that's the good part.
OK Dan'l?
Pax omnes vobiscum Butch, peace be with you all; as a wise man says, it's all good :angel:
maybe if you wacked it 15 years ago there would be a nice tree growing there now. daniel is right you jump on eveyrone else when they wack trees. but yet you should have and you dont then come back 15 years later to do what sould have been done in the first place. so what makes you any differant than anyone else. you got paid twice for something that should have been done once. so in my mind you are a blowhard.
David, 15 years ago it was not at all clear that the nick from the grader was going to kill the bark halfway around the tree. Some kind of Pytophthora at work I think; samples are on their way to state labs, tho it's so hard to ID we'll never know.

If I'd known then that the bark would die I'd have, put it to sleep then, sure.
The client was very happy with 15 years useful life; sorry if you're not.

What's that old navy song, Butch? "...give me some time to blow the man down..." Hey Leon I've been called worse. And Mike, logging's honest work, but it's rural work and far from tree care. It's that cat-swinging I wonder about...
bad day sorry for bieng so harsh guy. to bad it didn't work. but like i said if you would have just cut it down now there would be a nice healthy tree there.

mike ass dam straight a logger and proud of it. if you dont like loggers i sure hope you dont use TP or live in a wood house or read any kind of books magizenes news paper or use any of the medicines that come from trees or the other thousand uses.. you hippocriticale sob
Must've been hot everywhere. Geez.

Every shake the hand and hug someone who tried to kill you 30 years ago? It's kind of spiritual. Especially when you both realize it was all politics. Powerful murderous politics. They aren't questioned, once engaged there's no turning back, and if both sides would just lock and load up the chain of command, we'd all be better off.

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