Like I said, I can't say anything specific... Other than the time wasted on me, he was quite productive. He <i>was</i> jazzed about his new Gomboy 360, and he did eventually get a good each 75' and 80' shot with his BS.Originally posted by aussie_lopa
so how are the arms today glen?did TM rip,rip wood chip?
My arms, legs, back, etc. are all okay. It was maybe a little more work than I'm used to lately, but not terribly much. I didn't really do anything though, but watch; maybe snap off a few dead twigs here and there. I wasn't carrying much in the way of goodies on my belt, either. He toted up a 346 and 12' of pole pruner.
It was my second-ever ascent. The first was about 30' about a week and a half ago. I could only find one of my pair of gloves with grippies on them and none of the others were suitable, so I bare-handed the left hand. When I got down I saw I had a hole in the middle pad of my middle finger. Oops. Today I wore a full pair; no problems.
Jim lent me a double ascender (looks like the Kong in a catalog right now) which helped a bit. Getting by a couple of lower limbs was easier for me with it where I could alternate pulling single ropes and inching myself (the ascender) past them.
Knock wood, but I think in-tree work will be something I can handle.