went to finish the top of the other cutter's strip, he stopped the other day after he got nailed about 10 times by a nest of hornets, first I was running out of good places to set my gear(didnt want to lose it in the fell and buck) so I put my pack and fuel in a hollow on a decent maple went about 140' away to dump a fir wanted to maintasin sidehill lay so aimed the fir just down hill of the maple, hit the mark fir and maple limbs crushed my pack and 1 gallon mix all drinking water, 85 degrees at 10 am on a slpope that gets the sun all ???? day. sniveled for a minute then went to deal with the trees by the hornets, got not so precise info on location of nest cut trees without incident. Had 2 heavy lean alders and a hemlock left, got one down no problem, chased it about 150' down the hill bucked it up went back to the other alder around 26" faced it up went for backcut, now remember these ???? things go quick, gotta cut that wood fast or it will barberchair, well about 2 inches into the backcut here comes a load of hornets out of the slash that split second of intense pain was all it took the tree barberchaired up to about 20' broke out and missed my body by about 2' I never stopped moving from the time I saw the split until I was about 15' away, the disadvantage of synthetic oil became apparent, no smoke to drive the little devils away. finally got saw and left the other hemlock for the rigging crew or until early Mon. morning The Bullbuck heard the split from the landing and when he heard my saw idleing for a few he thought the worst, came down saw that the day was shot as well as my nerves so we shut her down.