TreeHouse Elder
Originally posted by murphy4trees
Monday must have been a day for bees...
Ha! I killed honey bees on monday, myself!
Originally posted by murphy4trees
Monday must have been a day for bees...
Originally posted by murphy4trees
They stung first....
I wouldn't have lit them up if I didn't have to move the log to the street for pick up... I got stung earlier from a ground hive that got disturbed by the truck and then I walked over it... I lit them up too... Maybe I shold have let them live, as they weren't intefering with my work at that point.... I try to keep the lives I take to a minimum... Already kill enough trees... Customer has kids and I asked him if he wanted me to gas the nest and he said yes enthusiastically...
When that cherry split open there was a lot more than just bees in there.... a lot of life....
Originally posted by Husky372
murphy honey bees are fine. but when your talking hornets or wasp types i say the deader the better.
Originally posted by netree
Over-analysis is the epitamy of stupidity.