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Man that was fast...Only pm,ed you mins ago...
you guys and your dig cams.. pretty good nic by the look..
carnt comment to much because I have $A.U750,000 worth of rt 400 at my disposal.. Should make that an avatar!

orclimber huge scarf in the tree...
only want 37* on this one.
Check out the grovey belt
how old is your son aussie? get him a 009.Good starter saw!:angel:

Hmmm.. Carnt find max and his fleet at the moment (Might have to scan it later) but here he is FREZZzzzzzzzzzING

how many ccs in the husky?? what eles ya use?
hes pretty keen and he loves working,i think ill get him climbing early on so hes right up there by 18 or so.its goin to be good,i hate training people but ill make an exeption.hes 8 now,maybe start at 15
had aday off from climbing today and made this.
ironic thing is it only took me the half day and will probably sell it for more than i'd earn climbing a whole day
haven't decided yet, thinking in the region of 80-100
what do you reckon
Went to the Marine supply shop and got some rope since its Saturday. Spliced a new lanyard out of 1/2 inch nylon three strand, spliced two new tress cords, and am giving a shot at splicing some Loopies. I was wanting to BS on here with some of you guys, but I guess every one is out picking up after Charley.

I guess I just dont have the patience or computer know how to come up with this cool stuff like you do.

lost pics

Hi again orclimber,
I posted some pics on some other threads that I carnt even find,
This will give you an idea how close i have to come to the wires.

sorry if some of you have seen them (at least now there small)
regards Derek
Heres a real hard climb...NO slingshots allowed had to go up backwards... details :"any sugustions please 14 more to do"
Stay safe Derek........
Last one (for a while) another fav,although not at the time;
zoom in and see where the little stubs are left.. now thoes branches came way to close......

How bad? had to get 8 guys on MY CLIMBING LINE and pull it away... Definatly my "worst zaps ever" Derek.......
how much for the fish?

yo dude pretty cool carvin.. 80 - 100 WHATS? (pounds- dollars-euros?) whats the timber?

Is this any good as a model ? or do you do it by memery??
Any more shots of carvings?? Derek...........