way to close!
Originally posted by aussie_lopa
hows the growth on this lemon scented smooth bark its beside my house and will grow real big, 2 years old from tube stock.look closley ive taken a leader off
fence is 6'
There a tall tree Aussie.."corymbia citriodora" Will grow to 30m in Nth Qld, Native to those parts..
Yours should stop at about 20m (70') STRAIGHT UP and then start to thicken..The fence is why it got so tall so soon, it's looking for light..
Lovely aroma, we have quite a few here ,and we grow them in the nursery, I like the nice neat 45* angle limbs, they look like a tree, they snap off all the time in drought conditions.
Did you see ArborAge, the artical on evaperation?..( it was based on a Gobulas but yours is close enough..
By the time it gets to 10m, it will consume 227 litres per day of water..Lucky your growing a thin leaved tree, they (other broad leaf gums) can suck the moisture out of 20 year old concrete, (just before the roots smash it to peices...
Be carefull, very invasive root system...Shoud be banned in MOST urban enviroments.. ( should check with your local council, 64 Syd City Councils have it as banned!)..I still grow it anyway, it will be a good wind break/soil stabelizing tree..Derek..
Ps KIWIS are not only possesed by adventure sports, they have the terrian to do it in..Wild people Wild country..
That was an awfull shot of a Kiwi...This is better!