Prusiks !!
Our troop went to Scout Camp last week. I threw in a few basics "just in case".
One of our "up and coming" young climber wannabes got a line stuck in a tight-tight V crotch...wouldn't pull thru at all. While trying to flip it free, I "Zorroed" it so that the rock (makeshift throwball) he had in the end of the rope went through the V and got it REALLY stuck.
I had my New - New Tribe saddle, a climbing rope, daisy rope, 2 split tails and a few odd pieces of rope. Long story, short, I climbed a nearby tree with prusiks (really girth hitches) and a false crotch...I have read about using prusiks but never had a good excuse to take the time to try them. The prusiks were too grabby so I used girth hitches...they worked great.
Once up near the top, I leaned out and used the false crotch and a pulley in the Scout's tree to set up a top rope belay for our budding climber. He set up his own prusiks and used a Swiss seat to ascend to the troublesome crotch and retrieve the stuck rope...pretty good work for a 14 year old.
I know, not a lot of PPE showing...but no saws or sharp thingys, just gravity, heat, humidity and the distant rumble of thunder.