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I got a Jotel and a fancy coffee maker
That is a good looking stove. Nothing like a quality stove.
I got a Jotel and a fancy coffee maker
Got a new generator, new 36" bar for the 660 and a pair of Carhartt Logger boots
All I got was a lousy T shirt untill I noticed the text on it that said ' Yes, we can !
I go, Honey, take me to bed or loose me forever !!! Christmas rules....:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
didn't know carhartt made boots, is this your first pair from them? how do you like them?
I have not tried them yet... I believe they are made by Chippewa, seem to have a pretty decent shank on them.
I got a new Kuiu Guide jacket and beanie, $100 Sherril gift certificate, $150 Cabela's gift certificate, calander (of pictures of my duck dog) it put the biggest smile on my face!, and a new Kimber pistol.
You must not shoot any IDPA! A lot of guys running them and winning with them. I think this one is a shooter or so far has been. We'll see how the first match goes.
Would you believe my wife found a shirt that says "CAD Chainsaw Addiction Disorder" complete with two saws on it.
You know we need pics of that shirt or it didn't happen...:hmm3grin2orange:
Kimbers rule Stihl-o-matic drools. lol. I love kimber pistols, there the best.
Well I posted this photo in the Old man climbing thread but I suppose it belongs here:
My Father-in-Law gave me the derringer because I've always liked it, the two cars are from my wife, one's a cool mouse that has LED headlights and taillights, handy when mousing around in the dark. The knife I confess to buying for myself. Not shown are a pair of Danner GoreTex "Dress Boots" in Mossy Oak camo.
C'mon aerialist tell everybody the TRUTH why your father in-law gave you the gun, only one bullet and everyone else in the house except you earplugs....hehehe