So what did you get for Christmas

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We agree and disagree on the cold bore thing because of point of view. Paper targets do not die if you screw up. The only shot that counts is the cold bore shot. I dont mean the you have all day long lets get are dope chart out and range finder. Then we can take 3 or 4 minutes to look at the thermals at several distances and adjust our windage accordingly. I mean run three blocks scale 3 fences climb the side of a building start setting up then oh #### TARGET... #### gun shoot... BANG!!! thats a cold bore shot to me nothing else matters. Shoot at all the paper you want, dall sheep all day but my favorite quote of all time is this

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter"

Ernest Hemingway

and Ill bet P. J. will agree.

Of course if I was AA I could just put them in the Vulcan Death Grip

No I agree in that sense that a cold bore is the only shot that matters. That works in hunting or in battle. But making a shot in short distance is a totally different game then in long distance. So many more variables in the long range game. In the LEO sniper game its more pure shooting skill and keeping your heart rate in a controllable manner. Much the same as in Bi-Athelon. Any good rifleman that knows his rifle and load can make a cold bore shot. Anyways I have to get to bed, was good talking with you Stihl-O-Matic.
I'd like to get you both on my range with my weapon of choice: ;)



Nice MD I have a few of them also I use to put 500 1000 shots a week down range with the bow then I had kids...

Yeah, they're fun to get until you have to start replacing arrows. Then it just gets expensive. I have learned it's best to shoot at different spots on the target these days. Wish I could do the same with my recurve but I just don't have that kind of time to put in on practice. I used to when I was younger. One of these days I'm going to pull my old recurve out and practice enough to kill a deer with it.

I quit gun hunting several years ago. The bow is the only weapon that does it for me anymore... Might feel different if I was hunting men... :D
Actually Stihl-O-Matic seems to be a good guy as I suspected after PMing.

1. I can build a better rifle off a Stiller Action and a Mike Rock barrel with a McMillan handle.

2. Shooting is the easiest part of the eqaution. But you are talking about LEO sniping which in the big picture of sniping is short range. Judging wind is much more complex at long ranges then squeezing off a round. If you know your rifle and load then cold bore shots are a known.

3. We can shoot all day long at whatever brand chain saw you choose as long as they aren't mine!

comparing rifles and what works is a complex thing, if you are shooting off a bench all day weight isn't an issue. If you are humping all day long in the Brooks Range for Dall Sheep your opinion of that bench rest rifle will change in a hurry. Another thing is not all rifles are built for the same shooting position. Like chain saws most all have strong loyalties to one over another. Some based on facts some not so much. Stihl-O-Matic doesn't care for Kimber that is his choice and opinion and he is entitled to it. However facts is that Kimbers compete all day long at the top of the podiums in the pistol world. As their rifles are pretty well respected in the lightweight hunting world.

i built a 338 lapua out of a stiller tac 338 action and broughton 9.3 canted lands barrel mcmillian stock and jewell trigger. have a night force nxs for optics on it shot it out to 1800 with some pretty good success using H-1000 powder and the sierra match king.
pictures are not the best but if anyone wants to see better ones ill snap them since its always on my reloading bench. Built a 50BMG out of a stiller also their great actions like a revised remington 700.

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You americans sure do like to talk about your guns a lot. Anyone would think you've got small wang's or something ;-) We're not allowed to have guns anymore in aus since we're all hung like horses. Just wouldn't be fair on the rest of the world if we had guns too.

I bought myself a couple new 200t's. They're still out there if you search around, but dont expect to get them cheap unless you come across a dealer in the backwoods who is worried about being left with an old model and wants some shelf space for a 201t. Guy I got mine off had 12 last week, had 5 left after I picked up a couple. I would have bought them all if I wasn't hoping for a new truck this year.

My gf bought me a real nice knife from US knifemaker David Boye - the Basic 3. I've been eyeing one off the last couple years and hearing good things about them from sailors who deal with the same type of synthetic cordage that we do. Unfortunately it didnt arrive for christmas so I'm checking the box every day. I bought her an iphone 4s.

As an early christmas present for myself earlier this month I ordered some Stihl ES lite bars from the states. I dont think they;re for sale in aus yet. The price difference is so ridiculous on bars that you can get a lite bar shipped express from the states for less than the price of a standard E bar in aus :-( I ordered a 28" and a 36". They also haven't arrived yet so I guess I'm looking forward to a good new year :)

I had a AR50 for a while. Cool gun to shoot, but I sold it to a guy that paid me almost what I bought it for. It was so expensive even when reloading. I would spend $500-$700 everytime I went to the range.

I dont know how you could live in a country that dont allow you to have guns. Its just funny to me that the freedoms that guns and war brought you, lost you your guns. Damn Nancy Polosie
Now there is three things we can agree on

1. Savage Match Rifle by far best bang for a buck

2. Cold Bore shot is the only true test of ability for sniping... the rest is just window dressing.

3. Shooting at Huskys = Fun

I got a Tim Hortons gift card for Christmas! Let's talk doughnuts and coffee! lol! Okay, maybe another thread for that!What about the Colt C-8? That will tear some holes in someone pretty quick!
OOOooooH a swat knife, wow, is that real, a real swat knife, wow. That makes you official right? A swat member now. So cool. I have to say, I am highly impressed. I wish i could have one, but that's above me skill range, reserved for super heroes and spies. I bet normal cops are not allowed to have those. Man you made my day. I know someone with a swat knife now
I got a Tim Hortons gift card for Christmas! Let's talk doughnuts and coffee! lol! Okay, maybe another thread for that!What about the Colt C-8? That will tear some holes in someone pretty quick!

I am a huge fan of Colt... Of course I work in the city were the originated. The only colt I have shot that I did not care for was a Defender... I have an original 1911 from 1913 that still shoots very well... The only thing I ever had to do was polish the ramp just form wear n tear and age.
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You guys and your knives and guns...I don't see the point, unless like Stihl-0, you do it for a living. I use my knife more everyday than any of your silly fast opening commando knives:
Leatherman multi-tools: Super Tool 300

This tool works for a living, and is probably made out of better steel than any of them. Shucks! Even the case is made out of steel so hard that my Buck knife can't scratch it. I'd like to see you post pics of a well used knife, perhaps with your sharpening marks on the blade, proving that you not only know how to dull that knife, you can sharpen it as well.

Some of you guys frequently talk about your commando training, yet you have this need to carry (shop for, display, talk about, fondle...) weapons for a deadly purpose. Myself, I have work to do with mine, and I have no interest in sticking somebody with it.
You guys and your knives and guns...I don't see the point, unless like Stihl-0, you do it for a living. I use my knife more everyday than any of your silly fast opening commando knives:
Leatherman multi-tools: Super Tool 300

This tool works for a living, and is probably made out of better steel than any of them. Shucks! Even the case is made out of steel so hard that my Buck knife can't scratch it. I'd like to see you post pics of a well used knife, perhaps with your sharpening marks on the blade, proving that you not only know how to dull that knife, you can sharpen it as well.

Some of you guys frequently talk about your commando training, yet you have this need to carry (shop for, display, talk about, fondle...) weapons for a deadly purpose. Myself, I have work to do with mine, and I have no interest in sticking somebody with it.

Its a hobby for me i have very little hunting rifles i travel around to the local competions when i have time and shoot large and small bore benchrest. The one in ohio the range is called thunder valley they have a 1700 yard mound. its a lot more than shooting the gun making precision amunition is the hard part wich actually cost the big $$ the gun is actually the cheap part.

since i was 16-17 ive won a few 1000 meter shoots and 500 meter.

won this from the NRA when i was 12 sorry for it being upside down took the picture before i left wasnt paying attention.

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