Ha ha, good one!!
Hey, nails, a coupla tips..for both you and your dad.....(Great work, by the way! It'd be a pleasure to work with ya....which ain't gonna happen, but hey!)
Those "Cushion Wrap"climbing pads that he's on are lousy...at least the pair I had, which had metal inserts, and the pair a worker has, which don't...even worse are your L-pads....get some caddy pads for $80 or so from Wesspur, or spring for Gecko's..... no need, imo, for them, but I did climb on some and they were nice!
And a photo tip for the camera man.....when shooting on an overcast day, preset the focus and exposure by aiming the camera's focus point (usually the center of the viewfinder) at the darker lower area of the picture. Press the shutter halfway down, hold it, which locks the focus and exposure, recompose the image, and fire away. This will create an overexposed sky but bring out the detail in the subject--you, pretty fella!
Me, I usually shoot in manual mode, so do my own settings, but that isn't for most folks.
Alternatively,, you can attempt to post process the image...I did this in the free program Picasa,w hich is great for organizing and simple editing tasks. I brightened the image, and made the sky blue...heh