Some sawing, logging and skidding pics and videos ......

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ted - you may not be a bad guy, but geezus...if you haven't managed more than a sports card collection in your life do you think you can really down on a guy for posting pics of a profitable business?
Sports cards? Assumptions are something aren't they? When I make them I at least try to keep them in close relevance with the things that I DO know.

No I have never managed a business.
As far as you & the state & federal government are concerned.
well we all know it evidentally isn't profitable enough to forgo going to college. Going to college is beneficial i won't deny that, but don't pretend you have a ton of pointers for a guy that has done business if you have never owned one yourself.
I don't think owning a business has anything to do with me trying to help someone out. Im not forging his signature on the Devils documents.
It is advice, maybe its it terrible advice, maybe its good. Its up to him weather he follows it or ignores it.
ok thats fair, but reduce your adimacy on how much you think it will truly benefit his operation if you have never owned one before. You really don't know his environment or his clientele.
Rich as Hell!

Ted - why in the hell are you going to college? It sounds to me you have the ability to make it rich in the woods? I assume burvol is rich and owns his own business...why aren't you two partners. It is unfathomable on how much you two could make working as a team.

I am the richest man I know. Good woman that is understanding in my life, good friends, family, killer salmon fishing, good timber. Low wages at the moment but I am better off than at something else. Jasha said it once before, if you have never fell timber out west, you have no idea of the expense. Today's wages are not going up everywhere like they should, or the bushel jobs.

What Slamm is doing is how you make money. Small gypo outfit, good close crew, git er done. Like to do private jobs with my Dad when I can.
group hug!

Then regroup.

I had an AHA! moment the other day. Here's how important directional falling is on non-skidder, non-flat land. A crew moved in and started yarding.
It was downhill skyline. They were doing great, very little banging up of the leave trees. The unit was a partial cut--a thinning.

They moved to the last setting. It was felled by a different guy, less experience. The leave trees are banged up. He fell the timber straight down the hill. Dumb me, thought he knew what he was doing. The yarder side owner brought this to my attention.

The light bulb went on. The same thing had happened above, only a different crew. I thought it was because they had to learn how to yard with a unfamiliar machine, but they had started where the fall them straight down the hill guy had worked. Where their yarding was good, was where the professional fallers had worked. The other guy used to fall for a living, the good guys still do it.

Falling is the first step. If it get screwed up, it makes it hard to do "pretty" and professional logging. You get a hack job for the anti-logging people to point and shout about. We have a lot of those who are watching.

Logging Humor: It is always the faller's fault. When a leave tree obviously has the bark stripped off from the lines scraping it, nope, that's the fallers that did that.
Disclaimer: This humor does not apply to all rigging rats, just a few I have encountered.

Clarification: A 440 is not used around here by the professionals for falling. They use 460s to use for thinnings. A former old growth faller says that a 440 does not have that extra power that one needs at times. The 440 has been a faithful landing and rigging crew saw. It usually is said to "have a bent bar" at all times when used by them.
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This is/was a good thread. The man is showing us what he does and how he is doing it. He is working in some very nice timber and seems to be doing a good job.

No, I am not a professional, about as far from one as you can get, so my opinion is worthless, you don't have to tell me.

I'm enjoying the falling pics and learning a bit, and I couldn't give a rats ass if the tops are left in the woods or if a stump is crooked. It seems that if he isn't doing his work exactly like everyone else , then he must be doing it wrong.

Who cares ??? I assume the OP is smart enough to figure out what works for him, and he is sharing that with us. Too bad there is so much BS mixed in.
Some peoples' willingness to urinate all over this thread is great. . . No really. Please keep posting about the size of your member, and how much farther you can spit than someone else. :buttkick:

I've witnessed a lot of clickish behavior in my time. . . Most of it from High School. Am I in some weird time warp and back in High School?

I'll say something that my mom used to say to me, and it's a saying that's been around a long time -- If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

If it's beyond your mental capabilities to be civil, or say something nice. . . Well, just don't hit the enter button.

I was just telling Doug yesterday about Sam and his operation. How much different it was in the hardwoods than it is here. How he decks different, cuts different, and how there were tons of differences between there and here.

I then went on to say how cool it was -- since when is different bad? The dude has a beautiful wife that logs with him for Christs sake!!! How badass is that!?? I'd have a heart attack if my wife said, "Hey honey, lets go logging."

It's obvious to me the man is leading a blessed life, and seems to be very successful on multiple fronts (not just financially).

Give the dude a break, and enjoy his pictures and video for their simplicity.
Some peoples' willingness to urinate all over this thread is great. . . No really. Please keep posting about the size of your member, and how much farther you can spit than someone else. :buttkick:

I've witnessed a lot of clickish behavior in my time. . . Most of it from High School. Am I in some weird time warp and back in High School?

I'll say something that my mom used to say to me, and it's a saying that's been around a long time -- If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

If it's beyond your mental capabilities to be civil, or say something nice. . . Well, just don't hit the enter button.

I was just telling Doug yesterday about Sam and his operation. How much different it was in the hardwoods than it is here. How he decks different, cuts different, and how there were tons of differences between there and here.

I then went on to say how cool it was -- since when is different bad? The dude has a beautiful wife that logs with him for Christs sake!!! How badass is that!?? I'd have a heart attack if my wife said, "Hey honey, lets go logging."

It's obvious to me the man is leading a blessed life, and seems to be very successful on multiple fronts (not just financially).

Give the dude a break, and enjoy his pictures and video for their simplicity.

Very well said.
Oh my! Dear Mr. Wigglesworth and Mr. Slamm. Please read my entire post.
I was selectively quoted out of the context. I was not slamming you , (pun not intended). If you reread it, you will see that I stated, In This Area. That would be a small area of the U.S. I am not including anywhere north of Mt Rainier, south of the volcanic St. Helens, east of the Cascade crest, or west of I (Interstate) 5. There. I have clarified. May you feel good again. Go and fall many trees with your 440s. They may work fine for you. But it just ain't so here. (Here is the area previously defined.)

I have worked in many different geographical areas. What works and is common in one area, would never do in another. One shouldn't take a job in outer Mongolia, and then expect the Mongolians to do as we Warshingtonians do. Nor would I expect you to come to our little area and start telling our fallers to use 440s or the Husky equivalent.

I did not intend to make Hobby Logger a derogatory term. In fact, if you read that post carefully, you would see my admiration for a guy who can work and still take time to enjoy other pursuits.

Farmer Logger is considered a slightly derogatory term. I don't know why, but it is. In our area. Here. I will not apologize for that. It is a fact. Just wear your pants legs UNTUCKED in boots. Then you won't have to worry.:)

Now, please take a deep breath, then exhale and continue to post. But perhaps try to read a bit slower or try for better comprehension before replying.
Some peoples' willingness to urinate all over this thread is great. . . No really. Please keep posting about the size of your member, and how much farther you can spit than someone else. :buttkick:

I've witnessed a lot of clickish behavior in my time. . . Most of it from High School. Am I in some weird time warp and back in High School?

I'll say something that my mom used to say to me, and it's a saying that's been around a long time -- If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

If it's beyond your mental capabilities to be civil, or say something nice. . . Well, just don't hit the enter button.

I was just telling Doug yesterday about Sam and his operation. How much different it was in the hardwoods than it is here. How he decks different, cuts different, and how there were tons of differences between there and here.

I then went on to say how cool it was -- since when is different bad? The dude has a beautiful wife that logs with him for Christs sake!!! How badass is that!?? I'd have a heart attack if my wife said, "Hey honey, lets go logging."

It's obvious to me the man is leading a blessed life, and seems to be very successful on multiple fronts (not just financially).

Give the dude a break, and enjoy his pictures and video for their simplicity.

excelent post, right on the money!
Oh my! Dear Mr. Wigglesworth and Mr. Slamm. Please read my entire post.
I was selectively quoted out of the context. I was not slamming you , (pun not intended). If you reread it, you will see that I stated, In This Area. That would be a small area of the U.S. I am not including anywhere north of Mt Rainier, south of the volcanic St. Helens, east of the Cascade crest, or west of I (Interstate) 5. There. I have clarified. May you feel good again. Go and fall many trees with your 440s. They may work fine for you. But it just ain't so here. (Here is the area previously defined.)

I have worked in many different geographical areas. What works and is common in one area, would never do in another. One shouldn't take a job in outer Mongolia, and then expect the Mongolians to do as we Warshingtonians do. Nor would I expect you to come to our little area and start telling our fallers to use 440s or the Husky equivalent.

I did not intend to make Hobby Logger a derogatory term. In fact, if you read that post carefully, you would see my admiration for a guy who can work and still take time to enjoy other pursuits.

Farmer Logger is considered a slightly derogatory term. I don't know why, but it is. In our area. Here. I will not apologize for that. It is a fact. Just wear your pants legs UNTUCKED in boots. Then you won't have to worry.:)

Now, please take a deep breath, then exhale and continue to post. But perhaps try to read a bit slower or try for better comprehension before replying.


I was just playing with Wiggles, cause he called himself a firewood hack, LOL, now that is low, LOL. I wanted to up his self-esteem to the rank of, at least, a hobbist.

Anyway, no need for apologies from you or anyone else to me anyways, now Wigglesworth may need some sympathy due to the slamming of his 044.

As to the Farmer Logger thing, while I am the son of a farmer, I take no offense to this term. As I call it "Farmer Cutting a stump" for those that leave huge notched, pulled fiber, slanted backed stumps that are waist high and none of the cuts ever match at all, LOL.

Heres some landing pics from today as the logs are sorted, stacked and many loads have been leaving steadily. The pulp mill is shut down until at least Monday, which completely sucks because I need to have my cable skidder and the loader trucked (together end to end) up to East of Belleville, IL for another bottom/wet job, that we are going to try and squeeze in before the water gets to the dirt and we can't work. The timber buyer has had this timber on contract for over 10 years and there have only been about 3 times for a few weeks each that anyone could have logged it with wheeled skidders and at those times the different loggers were busy with other jobs. I have hunted and rode horses around this silver creek bottoms ever since I was little and it is almost always wet, so we will see what we can get done, before much wet weather makes it impossible. The land is owned by a college and is some kinda research/agri farm. The trees are all marked (I think), three years ago they scaled it on the stump as around 137,000 board feet. The other tracts that have been logged ended up being about 8% over and there has been 3 years of extra growth since this last scaling, at 3% per year growth, so 9% more growth is possible. Going to check the job out Sunday afternoon before my little girls birthday party that is at my parents farm about 4 miles down the road.



