Some sawing, logging and skidding pics and videos ......

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I just don't get a guy that would post so much of his work and then not own up to it almost like it doesn't matter.

Don't really know where to start, but I will ask, what did I "not own up to"?????

Are you trying to say that I have posted a photo or video of something and either explained it differently or lied about something in the photo or video??, because I would sure like to know what it is I don't or won't own up to, its getting plum deep in here now.

I post photos, of good trees, good stumps, a clean timber when I'm done, clean logs, happy customers and buyers, and everyone is making money and happy, and the only people who seem to have the problems or see the problems in some internet heros or armchair quarterbacks. I agreed with several of the points made by several posters, and they are valid points, except for one minor detail ............ it won't or doesn't work under these circumstances for various reasons that has been explained before.

Like the pulp thing, its great I guess if you make $36 per ton ......... but I don't. I might make $12 per ton. So I'm not broke enough to waste another several minutes per tree limbing and cutting up the most worthless wood, that is going to be coming out of it, when I sure don't make money at it, the landowner isn't making any money with it and the timber buyer isn't making any money on it, so if you guys think that pulp is such a money maker that I'm an idiot for not pulling it out, tell you what, I'll let you know each job I'm on and you can bring your equipment and drag all of it out that you want for free, come get it all. But if I have to work all week in the woods and all I make is $1,800 off pulp or that is a good check, I would not be interested in logging as the pay per hour at that rate is not very good, especially if I have to now purchase a log loader and log truck to haul it, that is two more pieces of equipment to pull out the cheapest most worthless wood there is in it, but I'm the idiot ...... also the pulp mill is closed today through monday this next week. Bet I make a killing on that pulp this week RIGHT!!!! LOL... The pulp truck has picked up loads in the morning sat for 3-4 hours waiting to be unloaded and then picked up again at say 1pm and didn't get back until 5:30pm, that is not how I want to try to make money, sitting in some pulp truck line????? But I'm the idiot. I should be going right now to get a bucksaw, knuckle boom loader and log truck, RIGHT?????

I guess, one way, I might put it is all or most of the loggers around here that did it the "old fashion way" are gone, dead or bankrupt. Most are/were cheats, liars and did what appears to look like years later to be hack jobs of cutting and directional falling. So some here will have to excuse me if I don't take an immediate turn and begin changing my program toward something is even remotely resembles "traditional" or macho or super fast ways of cutting, but those various methods while they may be great if all I was, was a cutter, but I also get paid to skid, and I get pissed if my skidders have to work one ounce harder because of dumb falling or placement or if a cutter wouldn't "waste" a little time with a wedge to get more angle on the fall/direction if it would help.

What really gets me about a lot of this is, I simply posted some photos of what goes on. I never said it was the best or correct or smartest or "hey everyone log like me", but some of you have taken it upon yourselves to "guide" me into doing things or methods or techniques that I probably already do if the situation allows it or can do, but obviously choose to not do it that way for whatever reason, most because I have found that it doesn't pay or make a hill of beans worth of difference at the end of the day or week or year, or better yet, maybe, just maybe I left a backstrap on it so that I could stop cutting and walk over to the camera, turn it on and then walk back over to the tree and cut it loose and have it drop and I not get killed or the tree on split all on digital video, but no, most here have to just figure that I'm some dumb crap that at best cuts 10 trees and struggles to get those out of the woods and then needs help paying my bills and getting another job. I guess, I'll just chalk that up to the natural negativity that is in most individuals.

I like those that give the advise, like hey, you have a sweet operation and looks like you are doing good, but if you would just add a little more risk and danger into your life, then man you would really see some better results, LOL. Honestly its really hard to take some of you seriously...... and pretty much I don't.

It takes a certain gall to look at another individuals operation and without knowing what in the hell is going on, repeatedly advise him on how he should be running things ............... when it appears that there is little room for vast improvement and the minors thing are just that, minor and more preferrential than anything.

Call me hobby or partime, I don't care, I cut trees and make money and everyone around here is happy about it. If it offends you that I referred to this thread with logging in it, I appologize and will attempt to refrain from usint that acronim in anything related to myself. I guess, I don't get any "tradition" points, but then I haven't ever recieved any checks that had any denominations of "tradition" on them. So you guys can have your traditions and all, you guys are "loggers", and I will take the money and we'll see how that works out in say 5-10 years for each family.

Pic below of one of the farther landings, the tree size in this landing is pretty good. Red Oak, Cherry Bark Oak, White Oak, a couple Elms, Soft Maple, Hickory (smooth & shaggy), Pin Oak and one Pecan tree. Note the blue staining of the metal in the really large log, it looks like a black eye. Obviously there is/was some fence or metal in that thing. We ended up having to butt off about 4 feet to get it to clean up, hate to lose the wood, but don't want to send metal to the mill.
There are 43 logs in this landing, notice the guy bucking up on one of the logs, they are pretty big.


Hammer on big log.



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I didnt read your text, I dont want to get all frustrated. .

Nice looking dog though!

I will say something though. You smashing a 441 costs wayyy more than me pulling some wood on one tree. I pull wood ocasionally, I think any timber faller that said he didnt was lying. Just like guys bragging that they have never had a tree open up on them. . . The actual story begind that poplar is I was cutting about 300 feet above the said tree when I thought Ide go down alittle into the flat and try to get some wood on the ground for the grapple skidder really quick. I ended up running out of fuel just as that tree started commiting. I hate to make excuses for my self, but I dont like people bad mouthing my work. I can put top quality timber on the ground with consistency. Chit, what am I even saying this for?
I never bad mouthed you until you started doing so to me.
well sam at 12 bucks a ton i would not put that much effort into it either. i dont see how the pulp mills around there even get wood at those prices. my logging contracts say that i have to mess with it. although , it does pay me a lot better to do so. when our mills buy a tract of timber the tonnage is figured on the timber value and most foresters around here consider everything above the first stopper(limb) to be pulp when they cruise a if i left all that in the woods id get canned fast. but i do see your point at 12 bucks a ton it is not really a good income to expense. when i figure my pay for the week i dont figure the tonnage as pay i use it as bonus money and to pay operating cost. i use the footage that i get paid as paycheck money.depending on the timber some weeks i actually make more off the tonnage, especially when every tree you drop is hollow,rotten or doty. just today i cut 5 trees in a row that were at 36-50" at the stump and only got one log with 300 some odd feet in it and the rest was junk. when you log the type of terrain i do in east tn its pot luck on the timber. usually in the hollows and deep draws you find good timber but as soon as you hit a bench or flat it will go to crap. the timber im in now is all fire scared ,any way sam. cut safe, have fun ,dont take this crap so seriuos. and i can see why you work the way you do as you should be able to see why i work the way i do. more or less you cut how the forester prescribes,like it or not or be out of work. im kinda fond of being able to afford to enjoy life a little so i cut as im do you. so my dogs out of this fight i see your point and ill take my ms460 and go home lol
12.00 is low. but its about 500.00. If the mill is close and it if the ground is flat, I would think there would be some $ to be made.

AS I have said, in an average day in average timber(hardwood). A guy can cut 3 loads of logs and end up with close to if not two loads of pulp wood that came exclusively out of the tops of the log trees. We all know that there are plenty of wood trees that get cut with the hardwoods too. Skidders have to have room to traverse through the woods, not all big trees can go down without damaging smaller trees and as a pro faller, you damn sure dont leave snagged up crap standing there to die. . . .

But I cant say for sure, things are different everywhere right?
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right now i am cutting 2 loads per day and getting an average of 1 load of pulp from it. and right now i am the faller and the skidder operator(seems to be a shortage of timber cutters around here). my wife is driving the log truck and learning to run the knuckleboom ,now thats funny to watch. but at just being the two of us i am putting out about 20-40,000 ft a week and 75-125 ton of weigh wood. do the math on it and i dont know that i want to get any more help. after expenses i am doing very ok,but it sure is heading into wet winter weather already so the bank roll will have to hold me over till it drys back up. next week its gonna rain every day. when skidding almost a mile its stops production, guess ill port a couple of saws while it rains.
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Ted - why in the hell are you going to college? It sounds to me you have the ability to make it rich in the woods? I assume burvol is rich and owns his own business...why aren't you two partners. It is unfathomable on how much you two could make working as a team.
Sounds like you need a truck driver and a cutdown man or two. then you can run things and the wife can be home keeping the books up to date and the jobs lined up.

Cutting & dragging two loads of logs a day is good, I assume you do some loading as well since your wife is still learning.
i can load a tandem in 20 minutes so its no biggy to have to stop and load the truck, now her loading the truck takes about 2 hrs and gets a 1/3 less wood on it but shes atleast doing it. i fired my truck driver for having beer in my truck , my last timber cutters were hacks and one was a saw muderer. im looking for help but not real hard. if a cutter comes along i would hire him but im not out looking.
Ted - why in the hell are you going to college? It sounds to me you have the ability to make it rich in the woods? I assume burvol is rich and owns his own business...why aren't you two partners. It is unfathomable on how much you two could make working as a team.

Thats a really good question. If the buisness where like it was 20 years ago Ide have every little thread of all Im worth wrapped up into either timber land or equiptment to harvest the timber, ideally both. Might not be much but ited be something. But things arent like that any more. This is not the time for someone to start out.
It is however a good time to purchase new equiptment, especially if you are all payed up and have good credit. . . its a "buyers market" right?
College makes you smarter is why I am going. .
Ted - the thing we can both agree on is we are both italian, but eventhough I may have been as stupid as you when i was your age I didn't publish my stupidity on the internet.
i can load a tandem in 20 minutes so its no biggy to have to stop and load the truck, now her loading the truck takes about 2 hrs and gets a 1/3 less wood on it but shes atleast doing it. i fired my truck driver for having beer in my truck , my last timber cutters were hacks and one was a saw muderer. im looking for help but not real hard. if a cutter comes along i would hire him but im not out looking.

Haha, want some help?

Ide think about it if I weren't across the map. .
However, like I said before you and burvol seem to have it figured out so if you can get the credit and get the equipment you guys should be rich.
Burvol & I are not in the biz for money. I cannot speak for him, but falling timber is just something that I take passion in doing. .
look back, I am not a perpetrator here so there is no reason to abrasive. . .