Are you bringing the Skil 1690 to Spike's? My neighbor may come down and would like to make a cut or two.
I'm not to sure on what saws to bring.
But i will give it some thought.
Are you bringing the Skil 1690 to Spike's? My neighbor may come down and would like to make a cut or two.
What are the best campgrounds near the area?
..... BTY Kyle was racing his 5100 against my 346. I'm not sure who was faster? .....
Maybe BloodOnTheIce will showup with a new Stihl 362......
What are the best campgrounds near the area?
If you are camping in a tent,
Try this link. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/45241.html
It is probably 15 min or so from his shop. I'm sure Spike knows closer campgrounds though. Or you can navigate the DEC's website to find one that is more to your liking.
If you have a motorhome or trailer and are looking for a campsite I don't know where the best place to stay would be.
This place is a good ways away. On state land, and very secluded. It's a cool road through there though. Known as "the notch" it threads itself between two mountains. Couple of nice waterfalls. It's a decent shortcut for those who know it. Can be a bit scary in bad weather. No guard rails, and there are a few places where it would be real nice to have them. The plow trucks even get stuck up there. After a heavy winter, the snow lays up in that notch into June.
Thanks for the info Spike. I think Cantdog and I will be at one of the sites you recommended. Hopefully we can get a group together to camp out, lots of beer should be flowing.
I figured that someone with the screenname Plantbiologist would want to be amongst the trees! :hmm3grin2orange:
When will you be up and sawing the next day then?:biggrinbounce2:
Spike, Roughly how far are you from the
Mass pike and whats a good time to arrive.
Spike, Roughly how far are you from the
Mass pike and whats a good time to arrive.
Right about an hour. Things ought to be winding up around 10:00.
For you camping guys, are you thinking night before, night of, or both? I suppose that some may be thinking two nights and some just one. How many campers does it look like we will have?
I'll be camping at Black Bear. I'll (for certain) be there Friday night. I may stay Saturday, it all depends on how thrilled I'll be about driving home for 5hrs that evening....
I'll be camping at Black Bear. I'll (for certain) be there Friday night. I may stay Saturday, it all depends on how thrilled I'll be about driving home for 5hrs that evening....