Spiking Palms

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Guess that kind of answers it, thanks.

Anyone really know how many different brands of christians there are? Just curious.

Back to spikin' palms.
Well there are genuine ones, false ones, confused and disturbed ones and..... several hundred denominations whose members claim to be Christians. The nature of people I guess. Jesus prayer for his disciples shortly before his death-"That they all be one". Unfortunately, we aren't all very good followers.:(

So... to keep on topic-Do true Christians spike palms?;)
Just reminds me about how an idea spreads.

A couple years back - when I came back to Texas after a few months back east where all my equipment was lost, I decided to specialize in dead oak removals only. Lacking funds I appealed to the board here and Tom came thru with a set of spikes for me...I had checked the retailers though, no one carried them anymore because in the words of one dealer.."they spread disease!"

What a simple closed-minded individual. Never thought about dead trees, plent of 'em here. Spikes not needed 90% of time but that other 10.....
Always Learning

Its only when you "get it" that you don't "get it" that you really do "get it".
Thats why I "try" not to lock into comfortable patterns that work for me.
Keep learning by asking 'is there a better way'.
And thats why I follow "Jesus" because he says there is.
So the aurthentic Christian/arborist would do that.......
Dead fronds on cocos will lay against the trunk. Very rarely will you see that unless you are in the rural areas here. All commercial places and almost all residences in the city and bedroom communities will have their cocos maintained. Too much of a hazard otherwise.
So Koa, if the dead fronds aren't against the trunk. You COULD choker a line using Gord's technique, climb the line, lanyard in, work, and rappell down. The difficulty would be your positioning for work once there-throw on a lightweight foot climber at that point and you have a movable, non-invasive springboard. ....BUT you've already nixed the linesetting part and I don't see how this could all be done in your timeframe.:( Maybe some of these ideas will bring some benefits to others even if they don't solve your problem.:angel:
My fathers Tree Company is on the Big Island, They use the Swiss Bicycle to do coconuts that are free of ***** marks. Usually at fine resorts and condos. They charge a pretty penny and get it.

A tall coconut Palm that has no ***** marks looks so fantastic. They market the people that want the best, let the low bidders fight it out.

Of course they can be a pain to use, exceptions have to be made. Forget about it with vines, or really slimly leaners. Lights can be dealt with but a real pain. I’ve done my 30+ a day using them so it can be done. I think my brother does more than that even. Cheers.
past thread

This was touched on a while back by Dennis' thread 'Spikeless Climb'. Cool to look back and compare ideas.
Please guys keep the political debates and religious debates out of these sections of the forum. You guys are usually far enough off base in talking about politics and religion, but this is way off base for palm trees. This is a forum not a chatroom. The debate of christians vs. muslims seems interesting, please start a thread in the off the topic forum.

BTW- Mormans are Christians, they do believe in Jesus Christ. It is more of a cult version though.
Wow, you tell them to not have religious debates then throw that bomb?

Just because they don't beleive in the Trinity and all beleivers will be saints?
A CULT!!!!

Oh man. They are as much a cult as are the catholics, lutherans, baptists, etc.


and the palm trees.....
Gentlemen - please keep within the boundaries of religious followers spiking palm trees and how each faith has a particular method. By the way, how would a Hindu do it?
I guess the idea of not having religious political/debates in this thread is not going to happen. Yes, I did say cult, because it is just like one. What is a cult? The word cult is defined by Websters Dictionary as "a religion regarded as unorthodox." When Christians speak of cults, they mean groups which they believe do not hold "orthodox (biblical) christian views." Therefore, the label "cult" as used here is not intended to be derogatory but only a semantic way of recognizing the difference between biblical christianity and the beliefs that certain groups might hold.
These are the reasons, I, as a biblical christian, can say they are "cultists" or unorthodox.
The authenticity of the book has many weeknesses.
They are:
1)They claim 38 major cities built by the people of the first migration around 2200BC existed. No trace or any other achilogical evidence has ever been found to support it. Of all the universities in the US only BYU (Pride of the Morman educational system) has ever tried to substantiate this.
2)Dispite the problems in their claim they are still led to believe in their correctness by a living man (Joseph Smith). This is a cult leader. I relize biblical christians can be called cultists also. Such as mormons saying this of Jesus Christ, but Joseph did not claim to be the son of god, Jesus did. He also proved to people he was.
3)Facts do not matter to Mormans. A key to understanding mormons is that they have absolutely unshakable faith in Joseph Smith, their first prophet. What ever happened Smith is still their source of divine revelation, their foundation of their entire view point.
4)Joseph found Egyptian hyroglyphs, where he interpreted them as his book of Abraham. Egyptologists say that they were nothing more than special funeral instructions to embalmers.
5)The biblical Christian bible never changes, the mormon bible changes constantly to fit their needs and wants.

I can go on and on, but this explains what I meant.

Here is a good book for everyone to read the differences for many religions. Very interesting. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0830707212/inktomi-bkasin-20/ref=nosim/102-3197095-3626531

It has Muslim beliefs, catholic, Hindu, etc. It gave me an idea where people are coming from. This may be a good book for current events also. It gave me more understanding why many in the Middle East fight for religious views all the time. For the used price of a buck fifty, get it. I read each with an open mind, and many practices had very good qualities. Even if you are a athiest, it would be good for anyone to see where others are coming from.
Religous discussions are for the most part pointless. Disbelievers armed with facts and believers armed with faith cannot effectively debate/discuss matters as their perspectives are worlds different. It simply doesn't work. It's impossible to understand a religion without believing as it takes faith rather than reasoning and intelligence.

Good to see you around dan, you shouldn't be so scarce.
If he is, then he's given us the ability to reason, so we should use it.

Hitchhiked years ago across the U.S. An older woman with a plastic Jesus on the dash rode me thru the Beartooth Pass in the middle of the night, I dosed off until something woke me up to dive towards the wheel and jerk it left so the van would correct itself back onto the road - her right tires all but over a thousand foot drop on a curve in the road.

She quietly resumed her driving and stopped for pizza in Wyoming a few minutes later. Turned out she was mad at me for not letting God decide what the van would do. Told me to never scare her like that again so I opted for another ride later on from someone else. On the back of her van a bumper sticker said: God Is My CoPilot.

I saw that as - if there was a God, he woke me up in time.

I started spiking palms after that.
God was my Copilot but we crash landed in the mountains and I had to eat him............:rolleyes: