Splitting/Chopping Tool Review Thread

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That's an interesting idea. As you know I haven't even tried one myself yet. I'm continuing to retro grade on the tool timeline and my most recent toy is an old double bit axe that I put a new handle on.

I will brake out a S2800 for JrepairsK70E's GTG later this month and we'll see how it does and go from there. Shipping costs would likely make it better for guys to buy them locally than from me, even at the lower price I sell them at. I figure it's gotta cost $20-$25 to ship one of those things. What did it cost to ship the lever axe?
With a spare handle included and insurance for $300 it's $20-25 give or take. The extra insurance adds about $5 which wouldn't be necessary.
Well Santa gave me a Helko Vario 2000. This thing is so pretty I don't really want to use it. Thinking about hanging it on a wall. The wife said not in "Her House". Well my garages have walls too.:dancing:




The mounting system is unique, the heads and handles can be interchanged or replaced if damaged easily.


I have looked over those Helkos on their website and they really interest me---very unique attatchment system and product. Any idea of the cost here in the US, are their distributors? Please inform us of your results and opinions if you decide to dirty it up and use it.
The were a sponsor, but apparently not anymore?

Price shipped was about $108. Pretty reasonable to me considering what the other high end axes go for. I don't split much by hand since I have a gas splitter and some really big saws if I have to noodle something in order to pick up. For the money, Fiskars are hard to beat and I always have at least one X27 with me when cutting or splitting.
I was expecting much more, compared to what some of the other ones list for! Look forward to the use report - does not have to stay on the mantle at that price.


I am pretty partial to the hydro splitter Philbert.

Your not too far away, you can come and compare the Helko to Fiskars and various other mauls I have and give and impartial review.


Or if you want to be like Abe Lincoln and split rails these would be even tougher. This was a couple weeks ago when I was helping a friend.

Well Santa gave me a Helko Vario 2000. This thing is so pretty I don't really want to use it. Thinking about hanging it on a wall. The wife said not in "Her House". Well my garages have walls too.:dancing:




The mounting system is unique, the heads and handles can be interchanged or replaced if damaged easily.



That is gorgeous.

I have seen those before and pretty interested in them.

For what it's worth, here's an interesting review and maybe some pointers for it that I found on Amazon. It's the 3rd one down.


The "no-twisting" allowed kind of keeps me from trying one as I use the Fiskars as prying tool in the split quite a lot.

I believe that is a no-no with this.
My Fiskars Super Split came in today from Amazon. I went out to the wood pile and pulled out a chunk of white oak that I decided would go in whole because it looked to gnarly to split. This came out of a pile of trees that I pushed down 3+ years ago and it has been laying on the ground since then.
IMG_0320 (1).JPG

It took several hits to get it to bust the first time but it finally did.

On the next split I got the axe stuck and had a time trying to get it out

Got it out but by that time I had several splits started all together which makes things almost impossible so I grabbed the claw hammer sitting near by and drove it the rest of the way through.


Once I got that done I split from the other side and it came pretty easy.

Thoughts: While it was not the super tool I half expected after some of the reviews I read I did like it. I grabbed a piece of wood that I had decided I wouldn't even try with the maul. The would was tough and the axe did at least as well as the maul would have, and when I was done swinging it I didn't feel like I needed to sit down and rest. I am thinking this will become my main splitting tool with the maul and the wedges there to back it up. When I go to the woods I take everything with me so one more tool won't hurt and this should really round out the lineup.
Finally made it to Lowes


Selection is pretty limited. However the wood handled 8# maul in the lower right corner with the nylon over strike guard is by far the best looking/feeling big box maul that I've seen. It has an honest to goodness sharp edge with no unnecessary shoulder. If you did a little polishing of the face ala benp I'd say this thing could really split some wood (if you feel for swinging 8 pounds all day). At $25 it's a pretty good deal too.
Well, one hunting season I actually used my x27 as a felling axe, I wanted to clear a shooting lane with out starting my saw, I was very happy withhow the x27 dropped the trees, and we all now how they work splktting wood. Everybody has a personal preferance on the handle they like, me a don't care, I want something cheap that works, the x27 is that,and it comes with a LIFETIME warranty. I can NOT say anything bad about a wetterlings, that thing shocked me how well it worked, made me want one! But I have a good tool already, so I'll stick with it.
Finally made it to Lowes

View attachment 393261

Selection is pretty limited. However the wood handled 8# maul in the lower right corner with the nylon over strike guard is by far the best looking/feeling big box maul that I've seen. It has an honest to goodness sharp edge with no unnecessary shoulder. If you did a little polishing of the face ala benp I'd say this thing could really split some wood (if you feel for swinging 8 pounds all day). At $25 it's a pretty good deal too.

That "Ergo" wave handle is interesting. Did you by chance handle it to see how it feels in hand?

By chance did you check out the handles on the mauls? Grain direction, etc. I have to go to Fleet tomorrow for some errands and I will check out their selection.

Sorry for the spelling, the coors light was good tonight after a LONG week.

You are not the only one Matt.:cheers::cheers:
That "Ergo" wave handle is interesting. Did you by chance handle it to see how it feels in hand?

By chance did you check out the handles on the mauls? Grain direction, etc. I have to go to Fleet tomorrow for some errands and I will check out their selection.

You are not the only one Matt.:cheers::cheers:
Didn't pick up that one.

The fit and finish was pretty good on the 8#. Grain was about 90 degree angle from the head of the axe.