Standardized Hand Signals for Tree Operations

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I think that the already used handsignals from other areas should be considered. Especially those used by crane operators.

Closed fist = stop.
Closed fist thumb up = stop wire, boom up
Closed fist thumb down = stop wire, boom down

(these could be used in lowering operations)

Hand across throat, (me thinks), = all stop.
2 fingers at eyes = watch, and watch here.

(some of these we have already, was just trying to remember)

ahh, I've forgoten most of them ... have to check them out.

The reason that I'm suggesting crane and heavy equipment existing signals is that we often use those trades and it would be good to 'speak' common language.

And when new workers come from these other trades there will be a similare basis to get going from.

What do you think?
I was trying to stay as close to standard crane signals, as such as can be, trying to apply them to treework. 8 and 9 were as close as I could do it, so far.
I don't like the closed fist when it pertains to crane signals being used in treework. Here I think it would be more appropriate to mean it to be hold the rope tight. 6 could take the place of doing that.

I dare go no further than ten signals. If it costs me $20 to get a groundie to learn a bowline, then how much is this gonna cost me? :D

Gottcha. Ya, the person who is always looking to have things work well is not who is going to have to employ .... dah.

I was always very embarrassed to have an employer have to take time to show me what I should have come to the job with.

Working from passion,

for guiding vehicles back we use a few extras

wave hand (in a come here way) - back
wave finger (in a go that way) - forward
point left / right - left or right
hold arm out point down and circle hand - lower chipper
point up - raise chipper
hand out flat (in a stop manner) - stop

using our forwarders where the operator can see....well thats a whole new ball game)

generally i like them to be as obvious as possible, if it mimics the position you would be in, such as the polesaw mentioned above and our chainsaw i would have to say that they are better than '1 tap on my chin' / '2 taps on my chin' type signals

we also use the 'ok' signals divers use to represent a 24mm rope.

most of the signals we use we just know, and i cant remember them off the top of my head.....i recoqnise them in practice

below means get out the way im dropping something....a headache is something you get if you dont move (either that or scream their name like a banshee if someone is in a DZ)

Shouldnt we just stick to signals for up in a tree and save the vehicle signals for another thread? Like Blaster said, untying a bowline is a mental challenge for some people.

KISS, (Keep It Simple Stoopid)

ok, got a little bit carried away...opps

just found out i posted twice as well


I think universal hand signals would be great and a handout list to ground crew would probably be very helpful. I prefer a system of imaginary hand motions to demonstrate what a need. Two hands pulling up and down on imaginary pole saw, one hand still the other making pulling up motion for chainsaw ect. I think flat hand tapping helmet is hand sign I have seen most tree climbers and crane ops use to show headache, look up. Two fingers pointing at my eyes and then me, limb, house or object I want groundman to be aware of is also used a lot. The only problem I have with MB tapping system is I would be worried about dusting off saw dust on my shoulder or scratching my chin for something and end up with a saws and ropes tied onto my climbing line. If you have an experienced ground operator who knows what's going on not an issue but how many of those are out there?
To reinterate...

I'm trying to make this a one-handed operation, if at all possible.

And each signal would be initiated with a shout-out/whistle blow.

Then, eye contact. Then, the signal.

That three step procedure should eliminate any accumulation of gear on the end of your rope.:D

Heres what I've got so far...
1) Tap head.................... Polesaw
2) Tap chin...................... Bullrope
3) Tap shoulder............... Chainsaw
4) Tap chin, touch rope....Climbing rope
5) 2 fingers to eyes......... Pay attention
6) Run finger across throat... Stop
7) Shake fist..................... Hold it tight
8) Winch down................. Let it run
9) Winch up...................... Take a wrap
10) 4 fingers..................... Watch out
Originally posted by MasterBlaster

Does anyone have any simple hand signals to add to the two I've allready come up with? SIMPLE is the KEY WORD.

1) Touch hardhat = Polesaw
2) Touch chin = Bullrope
3) ?????????

I really wish I had a picture of a smilie flipping the bird cuz that's the most useful hand signal of all...the middle finger.

But anyway, I find that the most usefull hand signals are to guide people back when they're backing up a trailer. Keep coming, stop, steer left, right, watch out for an obstacle, etc.

Also signals for operating a loader bucket: raise it, lower it, level it, tip it up or down, dump it, go away with it cuz its full. Also useful if they are lifting me up in one so I can cut a branch.