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well who gives a blank... what she thanks o me..i still thank shes a purty girl..if she does look like that pic o her, holdin a stihl..i didnt wanta marry the woman anyway. just enjoy her looks.
and i will still do that.whether she likes it or not.. aint nothin she can do to stop..
unless she wants to meet me personally.. in that case ,not being tied dn any more ,id love to seeee her try.
o heck my imagination is really in high gear bg .. my number is br549 .. call me
I for one also think BG's diction is not only condecending, but show's that she's just humouring us lesser woodticks, or otherwise using her femininity to make us drool, but it just ain't gonna happen.
The bottom line is, I think she want's me and why wouldn't she?

Sorry, I forgot the poem.


If on isle of the sea
I have to tarry,
With one book, let it be
A Dictionary.
For though I love life's scene,
It seems absurd,
My greatest joy has been
The printed word.

Though painter with delight
May colours blend,
They are but in his sight
Means to an end.
Yet while I harmonise
Or pattern them,
A precious word I prize
Like to a gem.

A fiddler lures fine tone
From gut and wood;
A sculptor from stark stone
Shapes godlihood.
But let me just caress,
Like silver birds,
For their own loveliness--
Bewitching words.

--- Robert Service
I say keep the thread. I've grown weary of the oil threads, bickering over which chain saw is "best" (whatever best is) and how many saws Dennis didn't get done.

Breath of fresh air, as it were.

Candace, or whoever has her password, go ahead, stir the pot. If all we are and can be is a big stack of chainsaw nerds, then gawd help us.
Sorry Doug , like I told you before , I am not as smart as you , i know that and for some reason I think Beaver Girl has the same IQ as you
well doug ,what u said was a compliment and insult at the same time..which is
kinda similar to what u said about others.. i do enjoy u post .. altho i really have a little trouble, understanding all their meaning....i think that might just be me missing the point on inside jokes an such. but i never do the ignore thing.. kinda seems to me, like trying to insulate ones self from those who think ,in a way other than your own..yep doug ive done it again .. just cant change how i think
a thing thru, or at least try to..i still enjoy
some o u post bud..
I've never, in any way, shape or form, tried to insult you, Tony. If that's how I've come off, then I appologize.

Once and for all, will you PLEASE talk to Ed about this intelligence thing. It's getting really embarrasing.
I know Doug , thats why i do it but does the truth hurt Doug , cause most here know you are the man when it comes to brains
Ed, stop it, you're insulting Doug's inteligense!
Everyone know's he's dumber than a sack of hammers.

Anyway, what do you think of my new Chippewa's.
Dam, John! I need a groundie that can hustle like that! Ain't you older than me? The term 'spring chicken' comes to mind! :cool:
Knowledge is the sum of all we have learned. Intelligence quotient is a measure of our ability to USE what we know. IQ is difficult to guage form reading a persons postings. I suspect Doug is near the top 2% of the popualtion. I'll go further by stating I KNOW he's not alone on this board. The roster might be surprising. Having command of the written and spoken word might fool those around you think more highly of your intelligence than they otherwise would. Conversely, speak like a redneck and you ARE a redneck in the eyes of your peers. IQ is best measured under fire, the guy (or gal) who best "thinks on his/her feet" is usually the MENSA candidate.Look within your peer groups, there is one among you who always seems to know the answer and what to do. Sorry for side trip.
MENSA, now that's an interesting group of people. At least, the two members that I know are. My best friend is an English instructor and MENSA member, and I agree sedan, she does think well on her feet (not worth a crap at math or numbers, but I've found few words she doesn't know). Intelligence is, of course, difficult to ascertain from these forums, and written language doesn't by any measure encompass every form of intelligence. I've always been of the opinion that speaking intelligently has never harmed anyone, though. :)
Since this thread is already derailed:

This isn't; perfect spelling & grammar aren't necessary. This site has great collection of people from just about every social, economic, & educational background. It would be nice to keep it this way.

I like Tony Marks' posts, & I would like to see him post more often. Since this thread is already derailed...Tony, I'm sorry hear about your divorce, & I hope that all is well with you.

I've never had a problem comprehending Dbabcock's posts, but I haven't have read all of them.

The inside jokes & behind the scenes references, posted by whomever, don't bother or concern me. I can appreciate that certain situations can & do aggravate others.

Very few people here use words that cause me to reach for my dictionary, & I don't drag out the thesarus when I post. Some posts do need to be read more than once, but that's not a problem with me. If I read a post & believe that the writer is intentionally being 'way out there,' I just move on to another post or thread.

A lot of the technical talk goes over my head, but in my case that is to be expected.

I almost forgot-a little humor helps to keep this from being too wooden. Yes, the bad pun is intentional.

Chris J.
Hi rborist and MB, those new Chippewa's made me feel like Puss in Boots, if I was wearing my aluminum pecker bill, I'd of felt like the cat in the hat.
Yo John, check it out. The squirrel is freaking out over my sig...

Can you somehow change the way you link that picture so I can block it without blocking all attachments from ArboristSite? I was easily able to block the others from your other forum sites but this one is linked from an ArboristSite page. I have not said anything lately about your continued efforts at being the biggest Galactic Attention Whore online but your spam-like efforts are making it increasingly difficult to be kind without putting you on ignore.

I'm sending a copy of this PM to Darin also. Your blatent and obsessive use of obnoxious links in your signature is way past acceptable.

Chaos, panic, and disorder -- my work here is done.

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.