TreeHouse Elder

Originally posted by Marky Mark
I got a copy of RJS email to Darin.
Dear Darin,
I'm very very very upset and hurt that Butch AKA Masterblaster is out doing me. He's a better climber, has way to much flare in his posts, more posts than my 2 usernames combined and seems to get along with everyone. He's even a nice guy to talk on the phone with.
He likes to drink and smoke which I have given up and told the whole site about it. PLus he drives a car, me I drive a truck so that's another strike against him. He even went out of his way to teach himself how to build a website and post pictures and stupid videos of the jobs he does. There is no need for him to post those big crane removal jobs either.
What tickles my crank is the way he post pictures of stupid things at the end of his posts. Oh and while I am at it that Marky Mark has that stupid electric chainsaw on his signature also. In closing there has to be something done. I just can't stand it anymore.
I could however begin to have an appreciation for the members here, not attack the the newbies, sometimes even try to understand the meaning of compassion.
The first memebr of AS to be put on probation and exiled for 2 weeks.
Chaos, panic, and disorder -- my work here is done.
Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.
Originally posted by johncinco
Ruined the whole voices in my head thing goin on.