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Butch don't be fazed by that Lil Squeal Weasel, he's the biggest perv on Arborsite.
I bet Rocky has made at least the same # of complaints to Darin as have been made about him. LOL
Life just isn't fair why doesn't he complain about Marky imbedding Babcock's manipulated nude pics and vids of moi? You attention Whore you. I like your avatar, and why wouldn't I?
MB give me her phone number, and you can post a picture of her the next morning , she won't be as hot to trott
I got a copy of RJS email to Darin.

Dear Darin,

I'm very very very upset and hurt that Butch AKA Masterblaster is out doing me. He's a better climber, has way to much flare in his posts, more posts than my 2 usernames combined and seems to get along with everyone. He's even a nice guy to talk on the phone with.

He likes to drink and smoke which I have given up and told the whole site about it. PLus he drives a car, me I drive a truck so that's another strike against him. He even went out of his way to teach himself how to build a website and post pictures and stupid videos of the jobs he does. There is no need for him to post those big crane removal jobs either.

What tickles my crank is the way he post pictures of stupid things at the end of his posts. Oh and while I am at it that Marky Mark has that stupid electric chainsaw on his signature also. In closing there has to be something done. I just can't stand it anymore.

I could however begin to have an appreciation for the members here, not attack the the newbies, sometimes even try to understand the meaning of compassion.

The first memebr of AS to be put on probation and exiled for 2 weeks.


Chaos, panic, and disorder -- my work here is done.

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

I am surrounded by both members of and legitimate candidates for Mensa in my "day job" in nuke power. What I can tell you about their typical diction and spelling is that a surprising number spell like Ed but very few speak the way Tony posts, but before anyone jumps to any wrong conclusions about what I think of Tony, let me clarify and say that I believe Tony`s diction and grammar is deliberate and a manifestation of his wit.

Proper grammar and diction seem to be the rule rather than the exception, even when sh!tfaced, and why wouldn`t they be? Most mensanites are efficient(lazy) people and do not want to waste effort when conveying a message unless being playful or flirtatious. This succintness is often mistaken for harshness or terseness by the uninitiated so many mensa candidates, atleast those with a scientific bent, seem to develop what they seem consider a colorful manner of verbal or written communication for use outside the group of their immediate peers. Because this manner of communication is manmade, it often appears fake or contrived, possibly such as the case of Beavergirl.

RockyJ may be a good example of a candidate who doesn`t feel like being playful, and as Sedanman stated, I suspect that there may be many more on this forum, afterall why wouldn`t the greatest minds in the universe flock to our chainsaw forum?

My opinions are however only my opinions, and may not relate to the reality outside of nuke power.

If anyone doesn`t like the way that Beavergirl or anyone else posts, don`t read it.

Originally posted by Marky Mark
I got a copy of RJS email to Darin.

Dear Darin,

I'm very very very upset and hurt that Butch AKA Masterblaster is out doing me. He's a better climber, has way to much flare in his posts, more posts than my 2 usernames combined and seems to get along with everyone. He's even a nice guy to talk on the phone with.

He likes to drink and smoke which I have given up and told the whole site about it. PLus he drives a car, me I drive a truck so that's another strike against him. He even went out of his way to teach himself how to build a website and post pictures and stupid videos of the jobs he does. There is no need for him to post those big crane removal jobs either.

What tickles my crank is the way he post pictures of stupid things at the end of his posts. Oh and while I am at it that Marky Mark has that stupid electric chainsaw on his signature also. In closing there has to be something done. I just can't stand it anymore.

I could however begin to have an appreciation for the members here, not attack the the newbies, sometimes even try to understand the meaning of compassion.

The first memebr of AS to be put on probation and exiled for 2 weeks.


Chaos, panic, and disorder -- my work here is done.

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

It was 6 months of reading his posts before I figured out EHP wasn't a frenchman and sounded like Pepe Le' Pew. Ruined the whole voices in my head thing goin on. What'll be worse is if one of the fellas from Down unda says their really from georgia or somewheres. In my head, marky sounds like a nasaly joisian, babcock sounds like a lost technician, Gynpo sounds like a Labatts commercial from the 80's, and BG sounds like Gypo in tights and wonder bra.
hey doug.. no offence taken.. i know u werent attacking me..
this is personal but im going thru a separation ,that cant be fixed ,with the
only woman i want .. dam lonelyness is
got me drinking more than the occasional mixed drink..gets awful dark an heavy here at preaching please,, even tho who ever did would mean well. i know how dangerouse what im doing is..enuff self pity.
anyway i enjoy all u fellas and ladies post..thanks tony
ps the reason for the [more than u needed to know] ,,is this situation mite color my responces and post...please excuse