Stihl 056 Bearing and Ignition Problems & Solutions!

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Makita Freak!
Oct 22, 2010
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Ok, so most of us know that the legendary Stihl 056's are taking dirt naps due to lack of good ignitons and non-standard sized bearings and seals on the clutch side. This thread is for me a Dave B. to track any progress on finding standars bearing and seal solutions for these saws.

I have pleaded my case to both Greg at Bailey's and several Chinese AM manufactures to make a package solution to bring these saws back to life and both feel that there isn't enough market or "meat on the bone" for them to dig in on it... They might be right and nobody cares about these dinosaurs but some of us on AS, but I believe that there has to be a couple thousand of these saws that people would mind swaping new AM parts onto and running again! Or am I crazy??? I have a bunch of 056 parts and would like to build a couple of them over the winter... Start to finish and post the info here for future members...

After talking with Dave (VERY Wise & Capable machinist!) about the problem I gave him 2x 056 crank cases that had bad bearings (one of each clutch side type bearing, since there are 2 styles). He needed to know the dimentions of the bad bearings and seals in order to research possible standard size solutions. I believe in our initial conversation the suggestion was such: if the crank's width is a standard size we match a bearing to the crank diameter. Then we could oversize/machine the case to accept a slightly larger standard size (overall diameter) bearing. hopefully this will work on one of the two types of crank case so we can use standard size parts that are readily available.

Dave if you are reading this... I believe it might be easier to start with the two piece bearing/seal design. Because if we can get a standard bearing fit to the inside of the case the outside seal can still be found sometimes on ebay and the internet. However, I don't know how hard it will be find a standard size "sealed bearing" replacement for the 1 piece design... It might be easier to machine the outside of the case and drop a sealed bearing into place... IDK... up to you!!! Can't wait to hear what you have to say!

After finding a fix for the bearing I would like to move this thread into a "How To" on fixing the ignition system with parts available. The idea is to have all the information pulled together in one thread for people to read/research how to fix these wonderfull old saws.

Igniton solutions I've seen or heard of...
1.) replace with cut off saw ignion (350TS or 360TS: SEM unit)
2.) replace with points style ignion (need eccentric: 041? any others)
3.) convert to electronic remote trigger unit (nova module)
4.) Bosch ignitons commonly have a bare wire grounded under the flywheel so check that first...

I read a thread on #3 but it seems like the OP never came back with part numbers and directions for us, and/or gave a final diagnosis on whether the solution fixed the ignition problem. So while I believe number 3 is possible, I think myself and others need more conclusive proof... If anyone has made this work, now would be the time to make thorough "how to" on this solution.

In conclusion this thread is basicaly seeking out fixes for the non-standard, NLA, and hard to find parts... Hopefully Dave will be along to share some news sometime in the not so distant future! Others feel welcome to add your expertise on the subject... Maybe shaun will be along soon b/c I know we've talked about this a bit too...
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056 issues, solutions

I have a bunch of 056's with ignition issues. I tried the Bosch ignition fix with an atom trigger and it didn't seem work. I'm planning on buying the Stihl trigger and see how that works. It would be great if there were after market solutions for this great saw. I don't recall seeing many bearing issues? rick
I have a bunch of 056's with ignition issues. I tried the Bosch ignition fix with an atom trigger and it didn't seem work. I'm planning on buying the Stihl trigger and see how that works. It would be great if there were after market solutions for this great saw. I don't recall seeing many bearing issues? rick

The bearing issue is when they do go bad... The clutch side bearings/seal is non-standard size and NLA making it impossible to find replacement parts for.

I wish an AM distributor like Hutzl off ebay would just make a complete ign swap out! It would be really nice to have a AM distributor make bearings, seals, and igns... And then sell them all in the same package! Drop in parts are what most guys want and like... While guys like Dave have the ability to machine a case 99% of other guys don't so even if we find a way to use standard size bearings in a 056 case chances are guys won't use the fix due to the machine work involved. As far a ign are concerned there are 5 differnet setups from what i've so there will be plenty of confusion when it comes to finding good used OEM parts and how to mix and match them correctly. Another reason it would be nice for the AM to make a complete drop in ign. including flywheel, coil, wiring and all... Simplifiy it for the guys who don't want to do the research...

Anyone who reads this post should message Hutzl on ebay and tell them to make these parts!
I just heard from Dave and he said he found an aftermarket bearing that looks like it will work on the clutch side of the 056's!!!!

Only catch is that the case has to be machined slightly over to acomodate the bearing, but the crank can be left alone. I don't know if this is for a sealed bearing case, or the two piece case bearing but it's a step in the right direction! I will post back with as much as I can find out!
Lots of 056/056 Super/056 Mag II cases and Bosch ignitions in stock. You can order new bearings for that do the leg work on the spec's $6.00ea seals can be bought at the same place. Use your search engine when you get the spec's and type them in several bearing/seals vendors come and make the order. I order them all the time for old Stihls,Mac's and Homelites..good luck

-Cascade Saw
Lots of 056/056 Super/056 Mag II cases and Bosch ignitions in stock. You can order new bearings for that do the leg work on the spec's $6.00ea seals can be bought at the same place. Use your search engine when you get the spec's and type them in several bearing/seals vendors come and make the order. I order them all the time for old Stihls,Mac's and Homelites..good luck

-Cascade Saw

it's kind of a well known fact that Stihl made odd ball size bearings on the 056 clutch side.

Oil Seal:23.8 x 33.4 x 4
Grooved ball bearing: 17 x 42 x 14.5

This size isn't normally stocked by bearing manufactures. The guy I am referencing above is a pro machinist/mechanic and has been for a very very long time. He knows all the tricks for finding the proper bearings for things and he has only found 1 viable option so far that will fit the crank and need an over sized crankcase to fit. I would expect this to be true b/c the last time I found a clutch side bearing on ebay it went for $65!!!!!!! Yeah... 1 bearing... $65... it wouldn't be that expensive if they were easy to find.

By all means if you have an AM bearing that works on either of the cases please share the part number and distributor with the rest of us...
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