stihl 880 or husky 3120?

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Auburn, WA
I am really looking into getting one of these two saws in the near future. My 660 just doesnt have the power i want. Which ever saw i get will be pumped up after purchase also. But i want the best base to start out with.

Also the weight isnt that big of a deal since neither one is that much different from a 66 in weight and i run that all day (climbing and falling) with no extra effort.
You must be really big (and strong) to use 066 for climbing..and whole day too!!!
He's more man than I am then. my 038 is enough weight in itself. anything heavier for all day work, and I'd have elastic arms.
I have the 088. I really like the saw, use it for big firewood. Right now EHP is working his magic on it. Never tried the Husky, but when my 088 was stock it would cut with a Walkerized 394 Husky
I have an 088. Great saw, get it and open the muffler up, retune the carb and slice some major wood. Send it to a saw builder if you like. Also you may like converting it to a 3/8 chain (.063 gauge). Specially if you use already use stihl saws.

I cant see me climbing with mine. The 044 does about all the trees around here. For cutting pizza cutters outta the the trunk I might would use it then.

No diffence in weight between an 066 and 088? There is about 6 pounds difference in the powerhead alone, plus the bar.

Speaking of bars, it uses its own bar (14mm slot) so you will have to get new bars.

Gotta get an 660 to round out the my lineup.
well i'm not your averaged size guy....about 6'7" and about 300 i have used a buddies 88 climbing with 42in bar and that wasnt a very big deal.. thats why i figured the weight isnt such a big deal...
big jay - welcome to the site and what do they put in the water up there to grow ya that big?? LOL

See if you can rent each for a day from somewhere...then you'll have your answer as to which saw you like better.
bigjayfromwa said:
well i'm not your averaged size guy....about 6'7" and about 300 i have used a buddies 88 climbing with 42in bar and that wasnt a very big deal.. thats why i figured the weight isnt such a big deal...

I just find it hard to believe. Not, that you're that big. But, that you're that big and a climber. Seen very few climbers topping 200 by much. Much less 300. Most climbers I know are in the 160 to 180 range.
An old post by Biguglysquirrel stated his boss purchased a 880 Stihl and wasn't really impressed with it. He wanted to trade someone for a 3120xp. Do a little research, make a decision from there. I'm sure you would be happy with either saw.
Buy an 088 and have it worked over , you will be very happy at the outcome
I've run an 088 and a 3120. Its a dead heat for me, although I like working on Stihls better, they just seem to make more sense mechanically. I climb just about anything at 235lbs. Climbers come in all sizes. Big men in little trees and little men in big trees. From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. Sorry about that, I've been reading a lot of Dr. Seuss to my daughter. :blush:
I'm a Stihl man myself but I will say that if your mainly cutting hardwood those Huskys keep their filters cleaner longer, that air injection stuff works real good and I hope Stihl copy it one day.
Ekka said:
I'm a Stihl man myself but I will say that if your mainly cutting hardwood those Huskys keep their filters cleaner longer, that air injection stuff works real good and I hope Stihl copy it one day.
I am quite sure that there is no "air injection" on the 3120!
The model was introduced a year or two before they were introduced on the first Husky's.
Partner were first (P 7700 - 1984?), then Jonsered (2051T - 1987), then Husky (262xp - 1989/90) as far as I know.
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Man Yall have some big trees out west.Over here on the east coast I could only climb a tree about 1 foot of the ground before a 42" chainsaw would be sticking out the other side.
slacker said:
Man Yall have some big trees out west.Over here on the east coast I could only climb a tree about 1 foot of the ground before a 42" chainsaw would be sticking out the other side.

Around here 24 inches is now considered BIGGGGG.

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