Stihl dealer - not to knowledgable

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Hey Sap or Pas

Tell me something ole feller, whats that on ya avatar there, I seen some schit in my day but dayumm if that don't take the cake, the whole cake, man look at the size of that thing. Where'd ya find that schit at Sap,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Now there's the don't even have to touch the ground with that there square chain, just get near it and it goes dull. Then try sharpening it more than a few times. Its good for looking at on a chainsaw that only sits on a shelf, though. Looks mean, it does.

Now why is that? Why wouldn't any dealer anywhere be able to order any and every item that Stihl produces if there's a need or demand for it?

I'll tell you why, because apparently Stihl likes to ration out its products in order to create an aura among the Stihl dupes... er, I mean... Stihl 'faithful'... that Stihl 'is all that'. Which it ain't. (Plus it allows everyone involved to charge more just for the name 'Stihl'.)

You're proving my point. These guys obviously weren't familiar with what you were speaking of. If you've ever worked in retail, then you'll know that customers come asking for all kinds of wierd assed things when what they're talking about is a common every day item. You've taken a simple misunderstanding and devoted a whole thread into ?????ing about it. Like I said, I've seen your kind before.
How can you expect to run a respectable, successful saw shop if you don't know what square ground chain is?! I know what square ground chain is, and I even happen to have one, but I don't know enough to run a saw crib. And if I worked the counter and someone came in and asked for something I hadn't heard of, I'd politely say something like "I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with what that is. Could you describe it for me?" And if I really did know what he was talking about but we didn't carry it, I say something like "well, we don't carry that kind of chain and it takes us quite a while to get it. But we do have XYZ chain, which cuts great and doesn't dull as easily as square ground chain. Would you like to take a look at that?"
Perhaps you can tell I have worked in retail before? ;)
NovaMan, if you are saying you act like you'll kiss every customer's arsehole that comes through the door, then either you're not too bright or not too honest. I have no time for butt holes who come in for the sole purpose of proving themselves better or smarter than the employee. It doesn't happen that often, but when it does, they're shown the door.
NovaMan, if you are saying you act like you'll kiss every customer's arsehole that comes through the door, then either you're not too bright or not too honest. I have no time for butt holes who come in for the sole purpose of proving themselves better or smarter than the employee. It doesn't happen that often, but when it does, they're shown the door.

Don't kiss up to anybody. Do like Thal says. Sell him something.
NovaMan, if you are saying you act like you'll kiss every customer's arsehole that comes through the door, then either you're not too bright or not too honest.
It's not @ss-kissing, it just that I was raised to be polite.

I have no time for butt holes who come in for the sole purpose of proving themselves better or smarter than the employee. It doesn't happen that often, but when it does, they're shown the door.
Asking specifically for a square-ground chain is not being a smart-@ss, it's knowing what you want.

I just try to treat people like I want to be treated.
Be polite until you have a reason not to be. Asking for a specific item is not being a smart ass. Putting the dealer down and saying you won't do business with him because he had not knowledge of an obscure item and he misunderstood you is being one, especially when you go into a store thinking the item is not going to be there.

There is a learning curve in any business, and store employees learn much from customers, as much as customers learn from employees. Instead of letting the saw guys know what they needed to know or tell them they need to look into it, this guy trots off in a huff and runs to the internet to ????? about it, not even giving them a chance. That's being an ass.

I'll take an ignorant clerk who's willing to learn any day.
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NovaMan, if you are saying you act like you'll kiss every customer's arsehole that comes through the door, then either you're not too bright or not too honest. I have no time for butt holes who come in for the sole purpose of proving themselves better or smarter than the employee. It doesn't happen that often, but when it does, they're shown the door.

Now now calm down there Space. Ya getting all fired up over nothing. You forget people talk about everybody, be you, me, Jack or Miss Molly. All customers talk about the people they deal with after they leave the building and we, the ones they deal with, talk about them. I'm quite positive many a customer has left after dealing with me thinking I'm a real pr-ck but what they don't realize is I'm thinking the exact samething about them so its a two way street. I've never told anyone to get out the building but I'm sure many have been glad to leave,LOLOL I tend to handle customers who think they are much smarter than me very well. I letem strut their stuff and in doing so I'm very cool at draining their wallet. Takes alot of patience and sometimes a strong will not to fire up the ole "you think your so smart huh" conversation with such customers. Crossing over into that will cost you the sale and I'm there to get the sale no matter how the customer acts, its my job to sell. I can easily ignore a smart customer providing he's intent on buying something. If he isn't he'll soon be standing alone for I'll have left him there wondering where I went. I won't waste my time on a non-buying person but I will spend alot of time if I think he's gonna buy and its ususally pretty easy to tell.

As for Jack and the chain deal, hell I may have sent him home with a new saw along with the chain he never intended to buy in the first place. Those boys weren't up to snuff and Jack realized that. I don't think Jack dogged them all that bad in here, he just wrote what happened. That is what people do on this site Space, write about daily life. Tant that big a deal ole boy, chill out and relax. If Jack ever comes in my door we'll see if he gets out without buying, if he does then I'll cuss him too,LOL
Now now calm down there Space. Ya getting all fired up over nothing. You forget people talk about everybody, be you, me, Jack or Miss Molly. All customers talk about the people they deal with after they leave the building and we, the ones they deal with, talk about them. I'm quite positive many a customer has left after dealing with me thinking I'm a real pr-ck but what they don't realize is I'm thinking the exact samething about them so its a two way street. I've never told anyone to get out the building but I'm sure many have been glad to leave,LOLOL I tend to handle customers who think they are much smarter than me very well. I letem strut their stuff and in doing so I'm very cool at draining their wallet. Takes alot of patience and sometimes a strong will not to fire up the ole "you think your so smart huh" conversation with such customers. Crossing over into that will cost you the sale and I'm there to get the sale no matter how the customer acts, its my job to sell. I can easily ignore a smart customer providing he's intent on buying something. If he isn't he'll soon be standing alone for I'll have left him there wondering where I went. I won't waste my time on a non-buying person but I will spend alot of time if I think he's gonna buy and its ususally pretty easy to tell.

As for Jack and the chain deal, hell I may have sent him home with a new saw along with the chain he never intended to buy in the first place. Those boys weren't up to snuff and Jack realized that. I don't think Jack dogged them all that bad in here, he just wrote what happened. That is what people do on this site Space, write about daily life. Tant that big a deal ole boy, chill out and relax. If Jack ever comes in my door we'll see if he gets out without buying, if he does then I'll cuss him too,LOL
Thal, no soup for you! :ices_rofl:
Nah, you're probably right Thal. I've never seen a Stihl dealer who knew his rear from a hole in the ground. :)
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Thal, no soup for you! :ices_rofl:

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, oh wait, I gotta stop by the bank to deposit that 2000.00 purchase Jack made today,LOLOLOLOLOL

I know where ya coming from Space. I've had many a customer try their best to make me look dumb but each and every one paid the price at the counter, no discounts for those fools,LOLOLOLOLOL
Here's how it works Space

Just this evening a man and his wife came in wanting a lite weight trimmer, yard duty, no more than two hundred. I'm like okkkkkkkkkkk. Then he goes now whats the differance in these high dollar models verses these low dollar models. My mind automaticly goes ding ding ding, time to sell. 20 minutes later he's at the counter shelling out not $200.00 but $501.35. He shouldn't have asked me what the differance was,hehehehe