361 Junkie
El Moobs? Has Randy returned here? Or is this another B-Ape? I have been off this site again for a while. Mother dying and all.
As far as I know, there are substantial gains to be had by just a muffler mod on the US version of the MS361....
It did make a difference on my Euro one as well, but not as much as reported on the US ones.
El Moobs? Has Randy returned here? Or is this another B-Ape? I have been off this site again for a while. Mother dying and all.
It's me...Randy E.
Sorry to hear about your mom passing. My mom is 87, and I worry about her a lot these days.
I thought the type II was lighter, about 5.6 Kg???
I've got one of each (old and new) on the bench. Anything you want the see compared?