Its just backyard scientists spewing nonsense, its a normal thing on public forums. Some people just came to conclusions very quickly without any second thoughts, or just repeat what they heard as if its true. Imagine thinking some piece of sawdust or the fabric in the filter, which have holes millions of times larger than the size of oil and gas molecules, can mechanically filter oil out of the gas lol. It's like making a loop with your arms to pour water through in order to filter it
Regarding the 500i, I'm running 40:1 Motul 800 offroad (run 32:1 in all my regular carb saws). I remember there were issues at 32:1 with mtronic/autotune saws with these heavy, thick oils, so I'm a bit scared to using 32:1 in 500i. The injector hole seems to be pretty big so this shouldn't be an issue, but I'll still ask here to find the answer. I like more oil, I've seen enough noisy bearings with way too little hours on them ran at 50:1 (either way, 40:1 might be more than enough with this oil, but hey, there's a reason why I'm on this site lol)
@Mastermind Worksaws What mix ratio do you tell your clients to use for this particular saw? Do you think Motul 800 at 32:1 might be too thick for the injector?