Stihl MS290 Problems

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Update #2

Okay, for anyone who's been following this saga, here's the latest.

The dealer told me last week that he would talk to his sales rep about getting me a refund. Several days passed and supposedly the sales rep didn't call back.

I went back to the dealer and told them that I just wanted my money back. They told me that they can't do anything until Stihl gives them credit. I asked them if Stihl didn't give credit what would happen and they told me I would then have to fight with Stihl to get my money.

So I called Stihl using the dealer's phone and spoke with a few guys at Mid-Atlantic. They asked that the saw be sent down there for inspection before they'd do anything. I feel that it is reasonable seeing as they never got the look at the saw to begin with. I was still frustrated to the point of shaking, not at Mid-Atlantic or Stihl, but the dealer.

Of course the dealer waits an extra day before sending the saw. They did overnight it and it was attempted to be delivered on Friday, but it was Good Friday and Mid Atlantic was closed.

I called Mid Atlantic who was doing some deeper investigating on whether my saw had been there or not. They had no record or recollection of the saw being there. I was also told that the sales rep did advise to try swapping the tank vent and carb, but he did not pick the saw up and bring it to them.

Tomorrow Mid-Atlantic will finally take a look at the saw and see what's wrong with it. At this point though, after all the hassle I've been through I just want my money back so I can go spend it with a more reputable dealer. This entire situation has stressed me out pretty bad, maybe to much. I'm pretty easy going, but having my money tied up and being lied to is just pushing me to far. I've had more heartburn in this past week than I've ever have had before.

My family had been doing business with the dealer/hardware store for decades when the original owner always did the customer right. I guess, for some reason business ethics fell by the wayside when the business was passed to the next generation.

I would also like to express that I am not downing Stihl. They are doing what they have to do. I understand that coming from a customer service/technical support job. This is ALL dealer....

Wish me Sanity... :bang:
Finally...The End

And the saga is finally over.

Stihl called and said that the bar was bent and that the chain was severely damaged (right side needing to be filed back 1/3 to get rid of it). I know for certain I didn't hit any nails or fences, so that leaves me having hit a rock. I don't recall hitting one, but sometimes you don't know it. Stihl said that they would ship it back to me and that I am responsible for a new bar and chain. I asked to go ahead and try a new bar and chain on it to make absolutely sure. The problem has always been going sideways (even when the chain was factory sharp and the bar was near perfect) just not as bad has it had been. He said he'd call me back if he found anything. No call....

I went out to the dealer and spoke with the owner of the hardware/dealer. She was familiar with the entire situation. I told her what Stihl had told me, everything about how they have no record of the saw being there, that the sales rep didn't pick up the saw etc, and now that I have to pay for a new bar and chain. I also made mention of her husband saying that the bar and chain were fine according to mid atlantic. She said, "I know they told us that, and now they are saying there's a problem with it? I know that saw left here in the back of the sales reps pickup truck. You stay right here, this is going to get taken care of."

Within 10 minutes I had a refund check. No store credit, no if ands or buts, a check. She also said that this was her fight now and that she was going to get on the phone with the rep and figure out what in the heck happened when he took my saw with him. She said that she had proof of their shipping it back.

So who's the culprit? Why have I went through so much trouble? I'm not sure. If the dealer really wanted to stick it to me they could have easily stuck by Mid-Atlantic's tech call and made me keep the saw and buy a new bar and chain. The one person I wasn't able to talk to and get their version of the story was their sales rep. I left him a voice mail last week and my call wasn't returned. This also appears to be the person that my dealer has mainly dealt with on my saw, who suggested the carb and tank vent (not Mid-Atlantic). The dealer is new to Stihl and maybe didn't know about calling Mid-Atlantic direct and was mainly relying on the sales rep...

There are still some unanswered questions, and hopefully one day, we'll have the answer... Until then, thanks for staying tuned.


Glad you got it resolved; but, I would not buy a 290, 310 or 390 as they are all plastic saws. The extra money for a 260 Pro, 361 or 440 would be worth it in performance and fair wear and tear.
West Texas said:
Glad you got it resolved; but, I would not buy a 290, 310 or 390 as they are all plastic saws. The extra money for a 260 Pro, 361 or 440 would be worth it in performance and fair wear and tear.

Yea. I learned my lesson with the plastic saws for sure. I got to really thinking about what had happened and how it was handled, going almost a month without my saw, etc. I figured someone should have stepped up and said, "Wait a minute, we are really giving this guy a run around, no matter whos at fault" and done something.

Some of my friends were talking about the Husky's they baught and how good of service they had gotten around this area for them. I couldn't help it. I got me a 359. So far, I'm more satisfied with it than I have been with any of my big purchases in the past year. It also has a 2 year warranty which is kinda hard to beat.

Maybe when it dies, I'll give Stihl another shot with a pro saw.