Stihl MS310 - max bar length?

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The same bar will bolt on to the 260 thru 660 saws. The pitch is determuned by the sprocket on the saw and the bar nose. 3/8 chain can be put on any of them, .325 can also be put on any of them, if you can find the sprocket for the larger models.
310 ships with 3/8 chain and usually sells with a 20 inch bar here. Nocomplaints so far.
031 ran 20 inch bar and 3/8 chain. See no reason it should have any problem in hardwood. Just needs to be sharp, but isn't that the key?
Just bought a 310 last fall. Oddly the dealer tried to push a 24" bar on me but I only wanted a 20". I haven't used the saw much yet (bought it after seasons wood was in) and so far I am not impressed. Doesn't seem to come up to speed and bogs easily. Break in problem? Carb? I would hate to see what it was like with a 24" bar.

Harry K
Sounds like your carb may not be properly adjusted or you are running OLD fuel in it. Fuel goes bad after about two months or so.

If you have not already done so I suggest you max out your adjustable oiler on the 310.This should help reduce bog with a 20" bar.I think you made the right decision passing on the 24" bar your dealer tried to put on the saw.

Yep, that is the first thing I do on every saw, bar oil is cheap. As for the carb, this is the first one I have had with the sealed carb screws. Is there any adjustment possible? To say that the manual that comes with it sucks is a gross understatement. Page after page of safety and do not do this etc. with only a few paragraphs in the whole thing about the controls.

Harry K
Originally posted by Ryan Willock
Sounds like your carb may not be properly adjusted or you are running OLD fuel in it. Fuel goes bad after about two months or so.

Even using a stabilizing product?

The screws are limited, not sealed. The dealer can properly adjust the carb by removing the caps. Have him check the inlet lever setting also, make all the difference.
If you want to be technical and not practical then you must realize that the MS310 takes the same bar as the MS260-MS660, therefore if you really wanted to you could put a 42'' bar on it; however the saw won't like it at all. My point is what will fit and what are practical are two differant things. The things you need to be looking at are; how much cutting will I be doing in wood over 20''-24''? Is it hardwood or softwood??? If you have the need to cut a lot of that size wood then I would recomend that you look at getting a MS440 or a husky 372xp. To answer your question your MS310 WILL fit a 24'' bar but preformance will SUCK unless you are used to a poulan!!

The MS310 was sold standard with a 20 inch ROLLOMATIC® E with a 3/8" .050 chain. The head provides more than enough power for that length bar. I run a stock head with a 25 inch ROLLOMATIC® ES with a 3/8" .050 chain. I could have run a 28 inch bar comfortably with little to no bog. If you go over 28 inches, open the muffler up and you should be fine.
Will a 24 inch bar fit on a 310? Yes. Is it a good idea? No.

I would suggest 18 inch or 20 inch, .325 pitch first choice, but it could pull 3/8ths.

You guys gotta quit taking those factory spec sheets for gospel, those ad people lie a lot.
An MS310 is 59cc so I don't see why ot wouldn't run a 24 inch bar. A Husqvarna 460 Rancher with only 1 more cc comes with a 24 inch bar so the 59cc Stihl should do fine I would think.
No, the 026/MS260 does NOT take the same bar as the MS310 and bigger models!!! The 026/MS260 takes a bar with a .325 tip sprocket. All the saws from MS310 on up take 3/8ths chain type bars until you get to the 088/MS880 which takes .404 chain!! I work at a Stihl dealership.
As someone who purchased a 310 in 2022 who is now addicted to chainsaws and is considering a cheap 026 I find this thread quite valuable. 😂

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