The little fella.
needs ACDC music track over the vid the noise is,,, well just noise.
so how long till you hot it up buff the brushes tweak the transistors
The little fella.
The little fella.
Looking at the bar shape and noise level, they probably will end up being a favourite with the suburban chainsaw carvers.
Nice and quite, and I bet heaps lighter than a 2 stroke saw the same size as well.
Do they have interchangeable batteries ?
Seems to cut alright as well mate
Cheers and thanks for sharing
The little fella.
That's a cute saw. My grandson would love a toy like that....
Got that covered already.:msp_smile:
Who's set up is this Andrew. U have a super axe. Or do u have a Aussie chopper too.
Are they both good or one much better than the other. ?
The Aussie Chopper is Andrew's mate's setup.
I had a run of Andrew's Super Axe the other week. Not too bad but a bit gutless on some of the tougher stuff. They are a nice setup to use but Andrew's particular model would struggle on the harder stuff with twisted grain I reckon.
Would u know if the chopper would be better in that instance ?