Stihl's future saw technology

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Things are about to suck for the next ten years?
Nope. Unless they outlaw magnesium, and when that happens it won't be my Remmington saw I'll be using... Oh heck, I bring it too.

What we need are people like us developing things scarier than conventional chainsaws. Keep the EPA spread out and so stressed from putting out our little fires they can't mess with people making products we like. You know, the old "Hey we're designing an acid powered saw" section of the site, complete with false claims and concerns with what to do with the spent alloy rods and fumes generated, and propper cleaning methods. The "Know your acids", "Just two more volts", and "Alchemist or Periodic table?" articles would add credibility...

On the other side of the country "Controlled pyro-techniques and tree felling" with "Horton hears a BOOM", "How to best ignite", and "What size charge" articles will get the ball rolling...

In the Mid-West; "So you took my Remington saw away" A story of one mans "Gattling Saw" his back-up, protected by the second ammendment...
How much exhaust gas is emitted from chainsaws compared to commercial vehicals? 1/100 of a percent? Any guesses? Chainsaws and other small engines are an easy target for the EPA. Look at the time and money(yours) the EPA is spending to regulate an almost insignificant exhaust source. Our tax dollars hard at work. Must make them feel like they are doing something.
All of that wacky LA smog is landing in Chicago and they need an ass to pin it to. Originally I thought it was due to spotted owls camping out in KMart signs, but they insist it is chainsaws and weed-eaters.

You can have my weed-eater I have upgraded to a roto-tiller for trimming. Very thorough. This thing is an old Sears roto-spader. It tilled my weed-whipper into the Earth for me.

Call it theraputical, spell it how you want; I feel better.
I know this may seem pretty insane for some, but according to polls, most Americans actually prefer clean air even if it means more stringent emission controls. So if you complain about the EPA, or politicians, etc., then you're missing the real problem: Americans wanting clean air.

Yard equipment emissions are being targeted because they are a major source of air pollutants and have virtually no existing emissions controls. This means that small design changes can yield large reductions in total greenhouse gas emissions, which is ultimately what the majority of Americans (and the entire world) want.

Does this suck? Yeah, for now, this totally sucks for chain saw users. But automobiles went through the same thing with emission controls in the 70s and 80s, when car enthusiasts thought the end of the world was near, and yet now I can go buy a Corvette that totally smokes any non-emissions controlled 'Vette ever made. This is a brief setback for us chain saw enthusiasts, one we will chuckle at in 10 years when we're using our 16 hp Stihl SZ990s. And you know what? When you can't taste unburned fuel vapors in your mouth, and when after a long day of cuttin' and buckin' you don't smell like the inside of a combustion chamber, you're going to catch yourself thinking that maybe those emission controls were a good thing. But you'll quickly catch yourself lest you start becoming an environmentalist.

That is the point of a chain saw, isn't it? To destroy the environment? That's what I do with mine - I clear brush and I kill trees. There's nothing like felling a giant oak that was a sapling back when slavery was still legal. ???? yeah, my dick grows hard just thinking about all that wood thundering to the ground. But I can see why some people might have a problem with what I do, and I have no qualms about making compromises so I can continue on my quest to slay trees.

You all know what to do with those catalytic mufflers.
DOLMAR 4-stroke chain saw

Luke said:
I was told by a dealer that Dolmar has a proto 4 stroke chainsaw that runs 12,500 rpm. Don't know anything else though.
That's right. Attached you can see a picture of the DOLMAR PS-500V. The saw was presented last year on the german gafa fair in cologne and on the louisville expo last month.


Power output: 2,6 kW
max speed: 12.500 min-1

The weight will be approx. 1 kg higher than the PS-5100S.

Lubrication is comparable to the shindaiwa c4 and the stihl 4-mix technology.

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