Jimmy in NC
Addicted to ArboristSite
I know the feeling. Pull a Dew out and sit back...
That a old sand cast ? I got one ,but it don't need much to run.
Yep. Sure am glad I got two of them. Im having to rob Paul....a lot.
or was it Peter? lol
I know the feeling. Pull a Dew out and sit back...
Neat old things , but super heavy !
Got this little Pioneer with a bow on it,really want to get it running to try out.
Had a Stihl I could have tried ? Maybe a good thing I didn't ? :msp_w00t:
Nah , its got a good home now. LOL
Been doin that , not working fer chit ! LOL
Maybe a bottle of Patrone Silver ? :msp_w00t: Use to like that a LOT ! LOL
Better just stick with the Dew. LOL
what model Pioneer is it?
No, i dont want it. Just curious
I can't get motivated to do much today here at the office. Dunno why..
I can't get motivated to do much today here at the office. Dunno why..
Ya got me Sparky ! Gots to go look now ! :msp_angry:
shouldnt you be out buying streamers and ballons and cake and stuff?
The kid I got wood from just stopped wanting to borrow a grinder. Sorry I don't loan out my tools ! I see how they treat there saws ! NO WAY !! LOL
Wanted to use it to cut the exhaust off a truck ? Told him use a hack saw !
If I am I'll just take the beating for being wrong when I get home. She can't make up here mind...
Lazy kids these days!
F 100 ?
So far its been a wasted day. Stihl haven't got off my flippy cap ! So much I need to do,but can't get going.
Where is DanCan't with that cattle prod ? Put fresh batteries in it too !
Have 2 spam samiches with 2 RedBullz followed by a MonsterEnergee drink instead of the Dew , works every time LOL