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Any of yous know where I can get a 218 B rifle ? LOL
Had a Winc. model 70 chambered for that, actually 2 of them. I kept the one chambered for 270.
Any of yous know where I can get a 218 B rifle ? LOL
Yeah, watching someone good with a pistol is humbling.
Had a Winc. model 70 chambered for that, actually 2 of them. I kept the one chambered for 270.
evening fellas.
Oh now John is gonna cry hisself to sleep.
You guys is silly ! Been using wood ladders for many years , never had a problem.
Just may ! That would be a nice rifle !
Just may ! That would be a nice rifle !
I'm not up on my guns to much but that was supposed to be a wicked fast cartridge from what I remember. Just had a tiny ass bullet for what I shoot.
Something in the Ol' cobwebs is saying it wasn't a model 70, I do know my 270 is. But they were almost identical if memory serves right.
If your serious about wanting one I could call my nephew and see if he still has it. that's where it went.
I liked it in the Winchester 43. Little action, little round.
Everyone left ! I didn't even fart !
Yet ! :msp_w00t:
Must have been me. LOL Didn't think I smelled that bad.
I think the little lever action winchester in 219 zipper would real nice. I can't remember which model it was for that round, and I don't feel like digging out the 1976 gun digest. Might be real nice for john's garden defense? Either that or a M163 Vulcan. :msp_w00t: