Letric sounds more fun ! LOL
Yup , your right and less work to boot .
Letric sounds more fun ! LOL
Yup , your right and less work to boot .
Very true!
I can't complain about the stupid thing to much
Bought it last march it's 16 years old came with a 46" mower deck 45" two stage snowblower wheel weights and chains for $500
Still way further ahead to get it rollin again
I just refuse to pay someone else $50/hr to work on it
Hence why I started working on saws
Even made me a leaf spring draw knife to go with muh Swede saw to make them posts LOL
Who wants to fix the JD 820 diesel in the driveway. Gettin fuel to all injectors, etc etc and will not stay runnin! Dad is ready to grenade it
Looks good for a Nadian ! :hmm3grin2orange:
Them A'cadian's wus making 'em juz like that 250 years ago........
Hey Geoff , did you get you're IR ???
Good , save your money for Ti series impact , you wrists will thank you 20 years from now .....
Good , save your money for Ti series impact , you wrists will thank you 20 years from now .....
Yup , rough but gets the job done , nuthin fancy and then turn it into sumtin else when it don't work no more .
I have my eye on that new CP. 925 foot pounds of torque, light weight, and a little less than the IR.
When I think about it , The only thing that I remember growing up that was fancy were our old churches and the fancy cars that the tourists had .....