Hey Rob, Hey John!
Won't be on long. Tired tonight.
Success on my 365 tonight. Went to the dealers to pick up the new decomp valve under warranty and installed it then pressure tested again. Threads on it wanted to leak even with crush washer. I tightened until leaking went away. Was afraid I'd strip the treads. Hopefully I won't have to mess with that again any time soon. Still was leaking down so sprayed all over and figured out that I didn't have the exhaust blocked off well enough. Fixed that and bam, help pressure and vacuum for several minutes. Put it all back together and compression tested it. Blowing 170psi cold. Will fire it up and test start it tomorrow night when I get home and then retune it this weekend. Plug looks like it's running rich but I don't have a whole lot of RPM's to lean it out with. Limited at 13,600 I think and had it set to 13300 last time I tuned it.