Yuk ! :hmm3grin2orange:
The 029/290s are very heavy for what they are ? Not real sure why they are so heavy ? Very little different than a wildthingy,and 5 times the price ! LOL
But people sure like them ?????? I sell everyone I put together easy as can be ? LOL
The Husky 455 is the same way ,heavy for what you get ! But it is a strato motor,better on fuel than the 290. Not a better saw,they are equal in every way.
And they are both called farm use saws. :msp_razz: Nothing but total BS ! LOL
Don't care for either one of them , but they sell good ! :msp_w00t:
Lots of slacking going on tonight !
Sorry,..I have been cleaning up an old friend I havn`t seen in close to 40 years.
What did you dig out ?
Worked on the boat some today......then the rain quit for a while so went out side and going over the Volvo ign electrics......waiting for the "new" distributor so thought I would go through the entire system and clean connections..do some tests.....make sure when the distributor arrives everything is ready.....so I unplugged the ECU and following the factory test methods found two the leads that were supposed to carry the same voltage with the ign turned on......nope...about a 1.5 volt difference....Hmmmm......unfastened all the plugs and and grounds and pulled the harness back through the strut tower passage and a mouse nest came out with it...Hmmmm right in the only place that you could not see the harness.... they had eaten the outer casing away and eaten through one of the hot leads to the coil......I cut it back real close and the wire was only connected by a half dozen strands....the rest were just green fuzz....cut it back some more...soldered it up and heat shrinked the joint....then taped the entire harness up good....hooked everything back up.....not positive that this was the original issue but if it wasn't it certainly would be soon.
All voltage checks and resistance reading are within spec now....distributer came through southern Maine sort facility this morning so should be here Monday......so drop that in a she should fire.....we'll see...
This car is in great shape...never seen a Maine/northern winter...77,000 original miles....interior is nice and clean....not a spec of rust.....recent paint job....average job at best but looks OK..probably a $1,500 job.....no body work...no dings sweet piece of Swede gearing.....built like a tank...doors close with a sharp click....not bad for $500.....daughter is antsy...but I gotta go through the brakes and other stuff after I get the engine running good......probably do a timing belt and all the fan belts too just to be on the safe side...probably have a grand in it when it's done...cheep enough.....
That will be very cheap for that car ! And a great car for her !
Done slacking for the day.
Cut two lawns. check
Picked up extra filters, fuel line, top cover bolt, starter string and handle for new project, coil wire spring and boot etc from LD. check
Picked up parts and changed spark plug and oil in splitter. check
Split wood in burning hot sun for 2 hours. check
Stacked above splitted wood on pallets with DW. check
Time for a shower.
PS. My Huskee splitter is a pain in the Axx to change the oil in.
Hope so......very safe car.....and heavy for it's size.....and Ron loves them too!!! LOL!!!
Thought I was bad, just gave up my 79 GMC truck but still drive my 91 Olds Cierra..
Jerry ......................... You are bad ! :msp_rolleyes:
Got to start cleaning up the Contra to see what needs replacing, lots of dirt to remove and a few stuck/seized things to get freed up.