You old duffers aren't suffering from heat exahaustion yet are you?
You got post 100,000 !!!
You old duffers aren't suffering from heat exahaustion yet are you?
Ahhhh Rhick , I noh noh you chineeeeeee ......
You got post 100,000 !!!
Is 66 in the house too hot ????
That's about as hot as it gets with 2 ac units going .
I turned my two off !!
ton and 1/2 both going TO much !!
Blah , Blah !!......Blah , Blah....Blah PayDay Blah , Blah......14 days billable....Blah , Blah.......
Blah , Blah , Blah ????
Dr say penicillin cure Mongo!!
Doc may fib to save azz ! :msp_rolleyes:
Dr say penicillin cure Mongo!!
Dr. say " LABOTOMY " cure Mongo ! LOL !!
Translated from Scotish to Merican .
" Daum Sweedish Bricks !! I had to cut off a bit of that internet till PayDay , no coin left in muh sporran , spent 14 days billable on parts alone , when's it gonna end ???? "
I got 5 nines!!!
Anybody beat that hand?
Gotta be a Huquee ownerz