Seems u putting whirds in muh mouth.....silly 'nadian....
Nah , that's them Mods effin with the interwebs .........:jester:
Seems u putting whirds in muh mouth.....silly 'nadian....
Only if Jokers are ,wild. I could delete a few of my posts....LOL
Actually I could delete some of each of ya`s posts.....LOL
i bows to da big kahuna!!!
Gotta be a Huquee ownerz
Only if Jokers are ,wild. I could delete a few of my posts....LOL
Actually I could delete some of each of ya`s posts.....LOL
Gotta be a Huquee ownerz
Hey Sharif , ya see that Steel part I posted ? No idea what it is ?
Nope,..never seen one on a chainsaw.
But it says Steel on it ! :msp_scared:
Looks like some sort of firing mechanism, like a one piece electronic module and firing sensor wrapped into one piece. likely found under a flywheel. Maybe for a trimmer , pole saw combo unit etc.
Don't member what parts I got it with ? Been a few months ago. LOL
CRS !!! :msp_unsure:
Media Cat doesn`t recognize that number.
No,,gotta be a Nadian !! :msp_w00t:
engrish secund langishgd..
Rut ro. What I start now. Nobodee spreak good engrish now
Slackers ! :msp_razz: